It was week 12 of the lockdown 😞.
As of this writing, Friday afternoon, there are no cases pf COVID-19 in both Dixon and Sheridan, including staff. Praise God!
Though there are no rumors of it happening, I’m getting a feeling, whether it be the Holy Spirit or simply my heart. I think it may be reasonable to plan for a return to the prisons in August. Even when the return is announced, policy and procedures may be a hurdle in how I conducted classes in the past. I was approved to carry a good amount of material each week, allowing me to give weekly articles to the on the week’s teaching, and or replies to request on questions a student may have submitted. The DVDs, books and more. If that changes I will have to seek God’s counsel on how to continue conducting classes that bring glory to Him.
I’m feeling God’s peace and trust more as each week passes regarding my health concerns in returning, but I still, need an increase in that peace and trust. I’m also praying if it is God’s will for me not to return how might SOCPM still be an active ministry in serving the incarcerated and still glorify God. I ask you to keep it all in prayer.
It was another timely message this week, ‘Fear in a Fallen Word’ My weekly challenge is condensing my notes to one page. I admit a bias in my pastor’s teaching and probably even more so in that he is my brother-in-law. But I do invite you to check the message out.
To all who continue to finically support the ministry, despite the hard economic times thank you. But still much gratitude and heartfelt thanks to those who also support SOCPM in prayer.
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17.
To Him be the glory in ALL things and to Him alone!
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
Weekly Message
Wednesday Night Service June 10, 2020 Fear in a Fallen World - Joe Thorn
We all know fear and are afraid of the what-ifs and what can happen. We are concerned about children’s and country’s future.
Scripture tells us to ‘fear not’ Genesis 15:1 Isaiah 41:10. Jesus talks about fear, Matthew 6:25–34. We think, feel God is annoyed with us. When think God is like this, we feel as if we have failed, and step into fear and remain afraid. We will think our faith is weak or our faith is counterfeit altogether. Fear is the distress of mind that caused by awareness or anticipation of danger, a threat. Sometimes we imagine it and other times it is real. There is a healthy and unhealthy fear. Worry is when our fears take over. We allow ourselves to be captivated by our fears. It takes residence in our heart & mind. In the commands fear not, do not worry, do not anxious we are to take hold of God by faith, to face our fears, and find confidence in His peace, love, goodness & sovereignty. Your fear may be very real, but you’re called by God to not allow it to stay and grow.
What to do when fearful and anxious? 1) We are to look to the Lord. When we face our fears alone, they become bigger. We need to look to the Lord. Psalm 56:3 It must be intentional. We need to work our hearts and mind, ‘I’m afraid right now. What will I do? Look to the Lord. Psalm 34:4. The Psalmist sought God and was delivered from fears. He wasn’t delivered from all danger, pain & affliction but from his fears. Prov 3:5–6. Trusting in the Lord gives us wisdom & direction. Psalm 94:19 When we tend not to have when fear, worries & anxiousness we have Joy. Joy comes in it takes over the heart, pushes out fear. The truths of His Word consoles us in our misery & fear. 2) Trust in the Lord. Hebrews 13:6. Hebrews is saying I know there is danger and there will be consequences in the choices we’ve made in life but the Lord is my helper, I’m not going to be afraid of what man can do. Jesus says don’t worry Matt 6:26-34. We shouldn’t worry if God is going provide, God loves you. Don’t let fear & uncertainty rob you of peace and joy. 3) We talk to the Lord. Seek the Lord in prayer. 1 Peter 5:6–7 God is present & cares He won’t mock. Prayer humbles us. We speak to Him though we are unworthy to speak, requesting what we do not deserve. Philippians 4:5–7. These three exhortations do not work apart from Jesus.
John 14:27 Jesus tells disciples who are going be in the world, they will be persecuted, maligned, slandered, & murdered. but I’m going to give you peace, redeem us from sin, death, hell, alienation from God. He is for us in this world when we’re afraid because things are conspiring against us. People may be against you, does it matter? God gave us His Son Jesus Christ. Who died for our sins, and took our guilt. Often our fears and anxieties are accusations that we bring on ourselves or from other people. But who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Rom 8:31-39.
In conclusion, six things to do when you are fearful, anxious, worrying. 1) Pin it down. Figure out specifically what are you afraid of. Is it real or imagined? Is it probability, a possibility or is it an impossibility? Until then you don’t know what you are dealing with. Sometimes anxieties come not from circumstances but the choices we made. Sometimes it is from unrepentant sin. 2) Work out the consequences. What is the worst-case scenario that can happen? If it happens, what then? What will you do? What does it mean for you? How will God get you through it? Even if it is a worse scenario it doesn’t change what God will do for you. 3) Start preaching to yourself. It isn’t simply saying okay I’m just going to trust God with it and go on about your day. When you do that you are ignoring the fear and not treating it. Remind yourself God loves you, He is good, sovereign. He will help me. He will not tempt me beyond what you can handle & will provide a way of escape, so you will be able to endure it. This helps you so your faith becomes more solid, more grounded, rooted in truth. 4) Pray ask God for His grace you desperately need it. The reason you worry is because of you, the reason you can overcome worry is because of Jesus. Ask God to help you overcome your issues, baggage, weaknesses. 5) Submit- Admit what is outside of your control & let it go. When it is outside of our control, we can go into panic mode. In any situation in everyone’s life there things you will have no control over. Obsessing and worrying about them does not help. You just can’t say I’m not going to worry about those things anymore. You have to submit yourself to the life God has put you in. His reign, His purpose. 6) Act. Take responsibility for what is in your control & get to work, make the decision, the sacrifice, He is never really calling you to be passive.
Sometimes we’re anxious because we’re lazy, not doing things we should be doing. It can be the act of repentance. It may be you need to prepare and plan. Sometimes it will be out of control pending other’s behavior. Prepare on how to respond in various scenarios. Some fear is not moral, spiritual, or circumstantial. It can be biochemical. Your brain and emotions are out of whack. There are too many or too little neurotransmitters. If you have too little or too much you aren’t going to think or feel an inappropriate & healthy way. The imbalance can be caused by trauma, overwork, lack of sleep, or health, or it can be innate. It can be a deficiency in someone’s brain with no immediate cause. In cases where there is a problem with neurotransmitters in our brain it can have such an impact on how we feel, and process, we do not sense the benefits of the Gospel. You need to talk to a counselor before you do anything. With the help of counseling of some kind, you can evaluate your lifestyle and you may need to make adjustments in your lifestyle. Often the problems we may have with mental health are associated with the way we are living. It might be a combination of repenting, prayer, sleep, or works habits, exercise, diet. If there is no relief after making adjustments then yes medication may be necessary. If you need to take medications you are not abandoning God or forsaking your faith. You are recognizing there is a problem with the organ of your brain. Just like you may take medication for your heart or liver you need to take a medication for your brain so the right chemicals are produced.
We all are in need of God’s grace in every conceivable way. Spiritual grace that transforms the heart and mind, and sometimes His common grace through science and medicine. If you are anxious, fearful depressed talk to your family, friends, pastor, let others no want is going on. You are not designed to face it alone. You are designed to face it with the help of God among the people of God. (End of message)
Additional Scripture; Anxiety and Fear Joshua 1:9; Psalm 56:3-4, 94:19, 111:10, 118:6; Proverbs 12:25, 29:25; Isaiah 41:10; Philippians 4:8-9; Colossians 3:15; 2 Timothy 1:7. Joy Psalm 118:34; Proverbs 17:22; John 15:11; Romans 12:22, 15:13; Thessalonians 5:16; James 1:2-4
Sorry for the small font, but a lot to squeeze in. With all that is happening in our world and we have a lot of reason to fear, to have anxiety, and uncertainty of what lies ahead. We have the issues of COVID, police brutality, protests, riots, in addition, to our already existing fears and anxieties. All of these events point to the fallenness of our world and the sin that prevails. I pray you, your families, and those who you love and are close to are in fact enduring all of it. I wish I could share a date of my returning, there is a ray of hope it will happen, but I understand all the concerns of IDOC when it comes to the health and safety of you, staff, families, and volunteers that need to be resolved. Be certain to pray for those in the position to address those concerns for wisdom and discernment. Though separate physically, my heart is still near you in His spirit.
Dixon Correctional Center
Class canceled until further notice
Sheridan Correctional Center Afternoon
Class canceled until further notice
Sheridan Correctional Center Evening
Class canceled until further notice
Christian Living
Dixon Correctional Center
Class canceled until further notice
Sheridan Correctional Center Early
Class canceled until further notice
Sheridan Correctional Center Late
Class canceled until further notice
SOCPM Alumni
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 08/2016 thru 11/2016
Discharged 06/08/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 01/2019 thru 04/2019
Paroled 06/08/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 07/2013 thru 09/2015
Sheridan: 10/2018 thru 04/2019
Paroled 06/08/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 06/2019 thru 07/2019
Dixon: 01/2020 thru 02/2020
Paroled 06/11/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 02/2018 thru 12/2018
Discharged 06/11/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 10/2018 thru 12/2018
Paroled 06/08/2020
Wesley Ministries
Illinois River Correctional Center
Bible Study canceled until further notice