Week 12 of the lockdown 😞.
As I just shared (actually it's Friday so by the time you read this it no longer will be 'just shared') with the Chaplains at Sheridan and Dixon in my e-mails sending this weeks message, it has been a sad and tragic week as our country remains in the turmoil of hate and evil brought upon by sin. But my spirit was lifted after listening, then in the preparation of my notes for this week's letter to my students.
As Pastor Joe Thorn mentions at the end of his message of is being silly and liking to make others laugh. I'm don't razz as much as I use to. I still though enjoy razzing in an attempt to make my lovely Bride Michelle laugh. But sadly looking at the news and social media there has been little if any to laugh about.
As I'm writing I recall the laughter my students and I would often share. Mostly they were stories sharing about silly things we did in our past and laugh at ourselves. Life has too many trails of sorrows and to begin the healing we first need the grace of God. Praise God for the gift of laughter.
Thankful for continued prayer. If you have any prayer requests please forward them to me.
To Him be the glory in ALL things and to Him alone!
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
Weekly Message
Wednesday Night Message June 3, 2020, The Grace of Laughter - Joe Thorn
Laughter is a beautiful thing, we use it to cheer up others, sometimes we laugh so hard we cry. A lot of Christians have a bad reputation when it comes to laughter and humor. The Bible tells us that laughter is good and appropriate and sometimes necessary Ecclesiastes 3:1–4. Laughter is a gift from God that lifts humanity above our pain, confusion, and suffering
There’s Scripture that mentions God laughing. When God laughs it is said to be a specific kind of laughter. Psalm 2:4, Psalm 37:12–13, Psalm 59:8. He is laughing at these wicked people, plotting to overthrow God’s people and plan. It is so absurd it makes one laugh out loud. The Psalmist gives us a picture of a God who laughs at the ludicrous plans of the wicked against a sovereign God. Other Scripture that mentions laughing; Psalm 126:1–3, an expressive expulsive joy. Luke 6:20–21, God is pro laughter, it is just one the ways that joy manifests itself in our lives.
Humor is an essential part of being human in this world. Laughter accompanies joy, the good things we often experience in life, God’s good gifts. His benevolence, generosity, the joy of salvation, It accompanies joy when we see God’s purpose in all things, everything that happens in our lives. Laughter lifts us up out of our difficulties, pain at least for a time? At funerals, there’s laughter as people recall memories, good times, blessings, of the person who has passed. Laughter is a release valve for our struggles, fears, questions, concerns, confusion. That’s why police officers, military, EMTs will use graveyard humor in the midst of serious, dangerous, high strung stress situations. It’s a way to recognize their situation that may be way over their heads. They may not come out of the same or at all. It breaks the tension. We need to recognize that we are small and God is great.
We need to laugh at ourselves when we can see the humor in our own finiteness, limitations, weaknesses it can become an act of humility. In our humanity, we rely on God’s help and grace. We laugh because in the human soul in this broken world laughter, joy, humor all together is one of the means that God uses to heal us, to help us. Proverbs 17:22, A joyful heart is one that laughs, sings, is good medicine. It heals us, makes us right makes us well. If we can’t laugh then it is all tragedy.
Look around it’s a dark day. Rioting, pandemic, unemployment, a great division within the country. A scary, frustrating time. People lose, hope, and confidence. God gives us the grace of laughter to lift us up above our current level of pain for a period of time. This is probably why so many of the great comedians often come from lives of great pain, difficulty, and suffering.
It is not always appropriate to laugh. Ecclesiastes 3:4. It is not a time to laugh when it is a time to repent. James 4:7–10, When it is time to repent, it is a time to mourn, hate, loath our sin. Humble ourselves before the Lord and then He exalts us by giving us the grace of forgiveness, restoration, freedom, and liberty. It is not a time to laugh when someone else is in a time of need. We are to have compassion, to love them, and help them even if they don’t deserve it. God doesn’t laugh at a sinner in need instead He loves and that is why he sent His Son, to reconcile us to Himself so we can have the joy of salvation restored. When someone is in need we should have the heart of God, not an opportunity to point and laugh but to have compassion and help. It is not a time to laugh when you are engaged in folly or arrogance. Ecclesiastes 7:6. If you find yourself laughing in arrogance you are laughing at others. You are not helping them with your humor you are lifting up yourself only.
We are called to sober-minded, to value and cherish the local church, Holy Scriptures, means of grace, but we also need to laugh. The deep true satisfying laughter comes from a joy that is rooted in God. Christians should be the happiest people on earth because our joy is not tied to our circumstances but tied to God who transcends it all.
Things to keep in mind; Be thoughtful. Just because something is funny doesn’t mean it is right. A joke that may make you laugh may be hurtful to someone. Be encouraging. Don’t tear down with your humor. Sometimes jokes on the surface are a putdown. We must be conscientious, thoughtful, and encouraging with the aim to lift people up out of their discouragement. Enjoy God. Joyful Christians enjoy their God. They love the Lord because the Lord loves them. They love God’s Word because God speaks to us in it. They love to pray because they know God hears. They rejoice in their heavenly and eternal salvation. Enjoy life. The good earthly gifts God does give you now. Take time to cultivate gratitude for the good things you do have and not merely focusing on the things you don’t have.
God calls us to laugh. And as Christians lead the way. Even in the midst of great sorrow and discouragement and disappointment we can laugh, rejoice, and be lifted up above our temporal infirmities and afflictions in order to see the grace of God. (end).
Blessings guys, much on my heart but will express it with Scripture; Proverbs 16:24; Ecclesiastes 7:3; John 14:1-4; Romans 12:15; 2 Timothy 1:7 1 Peter 5:7. Here is some Scripture I’ve been posting on Facebook amongst posts of hate and blame; John11:35, Jesus weeps as He sees all the misplaced anger on those made in His image and not the one who is the cause of all the evil. 2 Timothy 2:24-26, Do not cast quarrelsome words but remember those sinning are in the snare of the evil one, just as I once was. Romans 12:19, Seeking your own vengeance will not bring lasting peace. Genesis 1:27, Galatians 3:28, We all our of one race, the human race. Romans 15:5, 1 Corinthians 1:10, 2 Corinthians 13:11, We should seek to live in unity, glorifying God. Romans 12:18, Colossians 3:15, James 3:18. We should pursue peace even with those we disagree with.
Continue praying! Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Psalm 73:24-26, 1 Corinthians 10:31, John 17:22,24
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SOCPM Alumni
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 06/2012 thru 09/2012
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Soldiers of Christ
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Illinois River Correctional Center
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