
Week 14 of the lockdown 😞.  

As of this writing, Friday afternoon, there are still no cases pf COVID-19 in both Dixon and Sheridan, including staff for at least 2 weeks. Praise God!

Still no rumors of IDOC opening up the facilities to volunteers. I’ve still not received any official word that visitations have started. I’m seeking ongoing patience.

Another bittersweet parole, Dustin, aka Dusty paroled. A student since May of last year, Dusty was a believer who was very articulate in the sharing of Scripture and offering advice and encouragement to fellow students. Though it is a joy to know of his parole he will be missed.

This week’s message ‘Dealing with Our Anger’ I hope will bear much fruit, as anger is an issue prisoners quite often have to deal with.

I’m an avid listener to quit a few podcasts when I’m driving. However, with my driving currently being very minimal, I’m behind on many podcasts. One I’ve been trying to catch up on is White Horse Inn. Originally dropped on April 19, 2020, ‘How to Study the Bible â€˜ is a subject that we are called to do in Scripture (Josuha 1:82 Timothy 3:14-17) and I’m passionate about and emphasize to my students. Our next class, whenever that may happen will be on How to Study the Bible by David Platt. I invite you to listen to the White Horse Inn podcast ‘How to Study the Bible.’ It’s about 30 minutes in length. It not only gives insight on how to study the Bible but why to study the Bible. I hope you take up on my invite and enjoy it and are fed by it.

Blessing to you and your loved ones, as we continue to seek and be drawn nearer to our great Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

To Him be the glory in ALL things and to Him alone!

Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries

Weekly Message

Wednesday Night June 17, 2020, Dealing with Our Anger Joe Thorn              

We are living in angry days, filled with rage because of what we see. Injustice, oppression, & in our frustration we overreact. Some of our anger is just, fair, and appropriate to what we see happening. But a lot of it isn’t & most of the anger we experience and see will not lead to profit. The Bible has a lot to say. Matthew 5:21–22. Jesus is addressing an attitude of the heart a disposition towards other people that is hostile. Paul tells us in Colossians 3:7–8. to put away sinful anger. There’s righteous, indignation & just anger, then there is sinful anger. The reason this anger is sinful is because the feeling of displeasure & hostility towards others arises from pride, jealousy or impatience, a sense of righteousness & compassion. Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible says, “Righteous indignation refers to the extreme displeasure of a holy heart unable to tolerate sin“ Many are feeling that type of anger and it is legit. Psalm 4:4Ephesians 4:26. There’s a place for righteousness anger. Jesus was at times angry and in Jesus, we have perfect humanity. Mark 3:1–6. He was angry at their unrighteousness about their sinful disposition towards Him and others. In Mark3:5 there is a sense of sorrow, lament, behind righteous anger. In John 2:13–22 He sees the corruption that has come into the temple & the exploitation of God’s people & is incensed. 

Anger is dangerous for several reasons. 1) Anger will give you bad directions. Proverbs 14:29, Anger, when embraced quickly & not thought patiently of what is actually happening, will be directed to foolishness & unwise decisions, captured by our anger. 2) Anger doesn’t produce righteousness. The anger of man is self-centered prideful anger & doesn’t produce godliness. James 1:19–203) Anger is a squatter. A squatter doesn’t have the right to exist in the heart of a Christian. Yet we invite it in & once we let it in it takes up residency as an unwanted guest who won’t leave. Ecclesiastes 7:94) Anger is the devil's friend. Anger & Satan spend a lot of time together. Anger is a tool for Satan. 5) Anger leads to evil. Think of the atrocities, injustices, crimes fueled by anger. Psalm 37:7–9. Anger tends to toward evil & corrupt you with evil even if your motives are good. Proverbs 29:11, The fool just lets it fly, an excuse to say or do whatever he or she wants. The wise man with knowledge of the Lord is encouraged to hold back his spirit to not react immediately but to act cautiously, responsibly, reasonably. 

We believe sinful men and women are redeemed, rescued, ransomed from sin, and the consequences of sin, the divine punishment of sin through Jesus Christ. Jesus saves us from the penalty of sin and the mastery of sin. God has every reason to be angry with you, with me. We sin against Him, even when we sin against other people when we lie, steal, cheat or murder, gossip or slander, even when we are privately jealously and greedy we are sinning against God. Psalm 51:4 God has every reason and right to crush us under His righteous anger with a perfectly measured response to our sins but yet God is merciful and gracious and He is slow to anger. Titus 3:1–7, We have to take this command seriously but know what it is grounded in. We are to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, ready for every good work, speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling to be gentle. Implied in all this is to put away anger and the reason we can do this is that we have been saved by the goodnesses and loving kindness of God in Jesus Christ who has not only cleaned us of our sins and washed us from all our unrighteousness but He has made us new by the Holy Spirit. We now have a heart that beats with love not only for God but are fellow man. 

Overcoming anger is more difficult for some than others. Supernaturally by God’s grace, we can become a more patient and meek person. Eight exhortations; 1) Be angry and do not sin. Don’t allow righteous anger lead you into sin. It often seems justified, but the Bible speaks of vengeance Romans 12:192) Use your righteous anger for good. To act in righteousness & compassion towards those who need it. It should move you to justice, fairness, move you to speak but not rage. 3) Do not lose yourself to anger. Anger is like a fire looking for oxygen and fuel. It’s easy for anger to begin in our hearts but only to be fed by increasing numbers of offenses and the constant meditation on these problems. 4) See your own sin. Often when angry it stems from pride. We feel inconvenienced, belittled, pushed aside. 

If you can see your own sin in a world of sinners you are much more likely to be oriented towards them with patience and grace. See your need for God’s help your own sin. 5) assume the best of others when you can. If you will assume the best of others when you are tempted to get angry it can get you some perspective. 6) See God’s patience with you in your constant failing. God is a God of loving-kindness. He is compassionate and merciful and we as a general rule are not. If we are reminded how God is towards us we will be moved to act the same towards others. Ephesians 4:32, We should know this better than anybody and any other religion. 7) Rest in the god sovereign plan of God. If we do believe God is sovereign over all things and that He will cause all things together for the good for those that love Him. Amid our inconveniences and afflictions, we can say even if I do have just cause to be angry the world itself is not spinning out of control. Our country may look like it is spinning out of control but God is a God of details and He will accomplish His purposes. The ability to rest in the sovereignty of God is the bed that the meek can sleep in. 8) Learn what God is teaching you. As a Christian, we believe the Holy Spirit resides in us and He leads, teaches, convicts, fills, and moves. God is always teaching His people the problem is most of the time we’re just not listening. What is He teaching you, are you learning it, embracing it, are you sharing it with others.

Anger is going to be a part of this world until Christ returns. To deal with that anger we need the wisdom of God. These are strange days where we all are struggling with the evil and corruption in the world but let us not forget the evil and corruption in our own hearts. In all of this, we look to our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Who suffered God’s anger on our behalf. So that we can be forgiven and reconciled to God and let us learn from Christ’s righteous indignation which was appropriately measured out in various specific and contexts and situations and He wasn’t simply angered He was grieved in His heart. God renews our hearts, He wants our hearts. The heart that belongs to God is a heart that is not angry. Let’s keep our eyes focused on Christ even as we see the evil or the inconveniences that we experience in this broken world. (END of Message).

Additional Scriptures: Psalm 37:8; Proverbs 14:29, 15:1, 22:24, 29:11; 2 Timothy 2:22-26; James 4:1-2; 1 Peter 5:8, 2 Peter 1:5-6

Once again I’m grateful to the chaplains who are serving God, you, and me by printing and delivering these messages to you. I had to reduce and margins to get all of this message in and had to edit out more then I would have liked, but it is, what it is. If we’re honest all of us are dealing with various levels of anger. Perhaps you are experiencing more being in prison. So, hopefully, this message bears the Fruit of the Spirit in You, especially Self-control. I know I need it. As always you are in my prayers, I miss you, and despite the challenges before us, let us not lose sight of the cross. To Him be the glory in All things.


Dixon Correctional Center

Class canceled until further notice

Sheridan Correctional Center Afternoon

Class canceled until further notice

Sheridan Correctional Center Evening

Class canceled until further notice

Christian Living

Dixon Correctional Center

Class canceled until further notice

Sheridan Correctional Center Early

Class canceled until further notice

Sheridan Correctional Center Late

Class canceled until further notice

SOCPM Alumni

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 02/2013 thru 05/2013
Dixon: 05/2015 thru 07/2015
Paroled 06/12/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 12/2013 thru 02/2016
Paroled 06/15/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 12/2013 thru 02/2014
Discharged 06/15/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 10/2019 thru 03/2020
Paroled 06/16/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 08/2017 thru 12/2017
Admitted Stateville NRC 06/16/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 10/2014 thru 04/2015
Paroled 06/17/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 05/2014 thru 09/2014
Paroled 06/18/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 05/2015 thru 12/2015
Paroled 06/19/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 05/2019 thru 03/2020
Paroled 06/19/2020

Wesley Ministries

Illinois River Correctional Center

Bible Study canceled until further notice