
The second lecture in Assurance of Faith was again a blessing as the Discipleship was well received in all three classes. This week’s lecture Lack of Assurance as Joel Beeke shared 10 reasons one may have a lack of assurance in their faith. The takeaway in our discussions is that most of us at one time or another experienced all 10 but there are one or two that tend to be reoccurring challenges. The most common for the students was their history and present experience of sin, disobedience and backsliding and attacks by Satan.

In the Dixon Malachi Dads’ Family Restoration class at Dixon, the chapter was ’Years in Captivity.’ The focus was to use their years of incarceration for God’s glory. With teachings primarily from Jeremiah 29, we discussed how their years of incarceration can be used to study God’s Word as opposed to listening and relying on false hopes. One of my favorite verses to share is Hebrews 12:11 For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

In the Malachi Dad’s ‘Psalm !: The Blessed Man’ classes we read and discussed Psalm 1:4-6 The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous; for the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish. We discussed wickedness; What is wickedness? Why are people wicked? And How should we interact with wicked people?. We also discussed, the challenge of no not falling into our own wickedness especially when it seems the wicked people proposer. Finally, we closed our class time discussing the ways of the righteous and how God watches over us as righteous ones and how the wicked will perish.

The Holy Spirit opened the door for the interjection of the Gospel in all the classes. Which leads me to ask prayer for one student, in particular, Ivan, in the Dixon Malachi Dads class. Ivan will state he doesn’t consider himself a Christian but has clearly been in conversation stating how he is interested in Christianity. I’ve seen God opening Ivan’s heart over the past few months and was joyed to hear him say this past Wednesday how he wants to join our Discipleship class. Please pray for Ivan’s true salvation, that he will follow-up and put a request to join the Discipleship class.

Please remember our chaplains Rob (Dixon) and Leon (Sheridan).
A quick note on my son Cameron, according to his mother, Cameron went to a non-denominational church last Sunday (01/26/2020). That is a praise! Please pray he continues going and he will hear the Gospel and see his need for Jesus Christ and confess Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.

To Him be the glory!

Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries


Dixon Correctional Center

James M. - Pray for me as I desire for growth in my faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and my personal savior. Pray also for Emmy, Sarah, Vicky, and Leale who are also in search of Christ. Thanks.

Frank - Can you pray for me? I have struggled my whole life with faith and my pain and suffering have created a distance with the world on I'm failing to make up. In the last 90 days, I have found myself in the pits of darkness. I have lived in a world of for years but it has gotten worse. All of a sudden I feel like I'm on borrowed time and misery is choking the life out of me and pain and suffering is stopping me from resisting or putting up a fight. I have surrender to…. Please pray for some light to shine on my world. Thank you.

Todd - Pray for peace in the world that reflects God's will. Pray for the right words at the right time. Pray for a level of comfort and for His will to remain at the forefront of all I do. Pray for blessings to come to my family and those in despair.

Wesley - Pray that I can get out of my downward slump. I'm trying to help people and all I get is yelled at. So, help me to get upbeat about stuff and not stay down about stuff and help me to grow closer to God and get back on fire for him. Thank you.

A. C - Lord Almighty, thank you for life and all you provide in it for us. Thanks for your love, grace, and mercy every day. Also, please continue to bless my father and brother as they go to their doctor appointments and may they get the care and help they need to get better. Thanks for the help with Scott's mom and may you continue to bless them too. I pray this in Jesus' name, amen!

Randy - The families of the helicopter crash, nephew and Afghanistan for guidance, protection and come home safe to the family. Guidance and understanding from the Holy Spirit daily. Family for salvation. Scott and Michelle's health and sanctification. Cameron's salvation and overcoming addiction.

Thomas - Please, thank God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for all which He has so graciously and mercifully given to us. May we please bless all our fellow prisoners and officers alike. Please bless “Footsteps” the organization we have created and in the process to establish to rescue and honor our veterans to be saved and become productive members of society. Let's eradicate homelessness! Sincerely yours.

Titus - I ask you to pray for my wounds, seen and unseen those who have afflicted my kingdom and defiled my spirit. In the name of Jesus, I pray to be all seen, all-knowing, most merciful, compassionate and gracious God. A man in need.

Wayne - Please pray that my girlfriend’s biopsy comes back benign. Thank you.

Sheridan Correctional Center Afternoon

Ramon - Prayer my son safe and put forgiveness in their hearts for me leaving them and forgiveness in his mom's heart as well. To have mercy on my mother's soul for she was called home on 3/19. To keep me on the path to the kingdom of heaven and keep my eyes on the Lord. To open up doors for me when I am released to get jobs.

Torrie - Pray my family and me, my wife, Tesuinia, and our kids to keep the focus on Him. Help us to trust Him and His directions.

Raymond - Pray for peace for all of us. Pray for us to get six months of good-time so we can get back to our for families me as well as other people. Pray for my children that they are safe and have what they need. Pray that I get 3 to 6 months good-time so I can go home early next year 2021 April.

Alden - Prayer for my biological family in natural and Christian. Pray for our President of United States of America along with the rest of the body in government. Brothers and sisters throughout the world who are bound by the addictive nature of sin. Those who are grieving over the loss of loved ones, sick, in pain, homeless, jobless, drugs, alcohol, sex, gang, lesbians, fornication, adulterers, murdering liars, or thieves. We all need salvation.

Sheridan Correctional Center Evening

Brother Jeffery Ray - Lord. I am thankful for your grace and mercy. Serving your world to be a vessel to enlighten others with the light and love of your son Jesus, this is my mission and purpose. Bless me more and more to reach all who have eyes to see ears to hear that they may have the touch of your spirit to awaken their spirit. Lord, I pray that you bless all with the desire to listen and learn how to love you first and to love others as self. Your will be done. In Jesus' name, I pray to you, amen, amen, amen.

Juan - I would like to send Scott and family a blessing, thanks for sharing his time with us inmates. Bless my family the Salazar's may my mom stay healthy and strong! God bless us here in this prison may we all be home soon!

Aaron - Please pray for the administration here at Sheridan C. C. that they would process my release paperwork this week after a long wait. Again thank you for the prayers and thanks to Scott and S. O. C. for all the great information over the past two years.

Gerald - I would like to have prayer for anxiety. I am trusting God will do His amazing work here but I still get anxious at times about my parole site. I am wanting to go to Stepping Stones Halfway House prayer would be appreciated. Thank you.

Dustin - Please pray for Marc. I haven't been able to reach him in almost a month. Hope everything is all right with him. Please pray for Diana as she is at a turning point in her life and pray for me as I try to give her the right advice at this time. Thank you.

Christian Living

Dixon Correctional Center

James 0. - Please pray for my family and children. Pray for restoration and open doors of opportunities for a favor in family court and to remain in Dixon as long as possible. God bless you.

Sheridan Correctional Center Early

Alexander - Pray I get my chance to get back into court and prove my innocence. That I can hopefully get out of here before March 27th and to be able to get out from under this predicament pray for my family. My family is suffering without me being there to help them and not continue to hurt them.

David - Please pray for peace here, my work keys there. Kids for the ability to earn and work and cars fixed for safe travel, for their communication with rest of family, visits in for volunteers here safety and provision. School here to do well, understand and get along.

Demond - I would like prayer for my wife and kids. I want prayer for our family and please give a prayer for these officers.

Juan - Prayer for Scott and his family. We thank him for coming to share his word with us. I pray for my family that they all stay healthy and strong.

Sheridan Correctional Center Late

Justin - My sister and brother keep all safe. And the illness of my friend Elizabeth and the mothers of all my seven kids and my seven kids.

Anthony - Prayer for my children's safety, for my freedom, for this facility, for my fair life, for strength and deliverance.

SOCPM Alumni

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 01/2016 thru 04/2016
Transferred Joliet Treatment Center 01/27/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 11/2015 thru 01/2016
Transferred Western Illinois 01/28/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 02/2018 thru 10/2018
Paroled 01/29/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 05/2015 thru 07/2015
Paroled  01/29/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 05/2019 thru 01/2020
Transferred Stateville MSU  01/29/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 12/2016 thru 03/2017
Paroled 01/29/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 05/2015 thru 10/2015
Admitted Stateville NRC  01/30/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 05/2019 thru 09/2019
Paroled 01/31/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 07/2017 thru 10/2017
Paroled 01/31/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 06/2016 thru 11/2016
Paroled 01/31/2020

Wesley Ministries

Illinois River Correctional Center

No prayer requests received from ministry partner.