The third lecture in Assurance of Faith was again a blessing as the Discipleship was well received in all three classes. This week’s lecture Lack of Assurance had Joel Beeke share a biblical and normative view on our assurance of faith and how we as Christians will experience various degrees of our assurance. A lot of Scripture was shared but he quoted “So, as true Christians, we want divine affirmation that we are saved in Jesus, by Jesus, for Jesus, unto Jesus, through Jesus, that Jesus may be all and in all.” Here is a very limited list of Scripture referenced in this week's lectures; Joel 2:28-32, 1 John 3:11-18, Philippians 1, Romans 5:1-21
In the Dixon Malachi Dads’ Family Restoration class at Dixon, the chapter was ’Setting in Healthy Communication.’ Which leads to a follow-up on Ivan, he was very talkative in Wednesday’s class sharing how he once was a gang-banger and did the things gang-bangers do and sell drugs, drink, seek out other gangs and do drive-by shootings, but how now he avoids anything related to that lifestyle by not hanging with former gang members in prison and avoiding any talk that does not honor God.
This led to other class members to share how life in the inner city is very restricted to your neighborhood or ‘stone’ as they referred to it. It is not uncommon to never venture out of your stone, for some almost their entire lives and as a result, have a very limited view on how the rest of society lives. One thing I’ve heard by several inmates is many of them have a limited view of life in their stone. They think that most of society live a lifestyle similar to theirs. When I first heard this I found it hard to believe but having since hearing more than once it gave me an insight to how blessed I am in my ‘stone/‘ Pray for Ivan and those like him who live in the many stones that are infested by gangs, drugs, and total darkness and evil prevails.
In Malachi Dad’s at Sheridan, we started the 2nd book in the Malachi Dads’ program ‘The Heart of a Father.’ The first lecture was on creation. How we are created in God’s image was the primary focus with a clear emphasis in that we are created for God’s glory and as followers of Christ look to how we can serve Christ in all we do (1 Christians 10:31). I also shared how many Christians create a god in their image and thus are creating a false god and are worshipping an idol versus the true God, the Creator and how it is important that we seek to do a study on the Attributes of God.
Please remember out chaplains Rob and Leon.
To Him be the glory!
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
Dixon Correctional Center
Wesley - Pray that I have a good week and me and family can do good when I go home and we get in God's word every day and stay strong.
Wayne - Please Play that when my attorneys come to see me we listen to one another, answer each other's questions, and come up with a double "final strategy” for our evidentiary hearing coming up on March 19 and that it is a double "winning strategy.” Thanks!
A. C. - Dear Lord, thank you for giving us this day and all the provisions you provide for us. Please help to continue Your glorious work in me to overcome all that hinders me in my growth to be closer to You. I asked that you please be with my wife, Anika and the rest of the family with the loss of her grandfather. Please continue blessing Scott and Michelle, his son Cameron, and his mother. May their prayers and needs be answered. May you also be with and watch over my dad and brother as they go through their medical test. Amen!
Cameron - Please Play for my girlfriend Deborah’s mother who was recently diagnosed with cancer.
Todd - To provide understanding to those who are going through adversity, strength to endure those times and the wisdom to wholeheartedly trust Jesus. For the Lord to keep my daughter, family, and friends under His wing and in His hands to provide me with the strength stay focused on him.
Frank - When you speak of your son and being broken I can relate to being broken. I ask that you pray for me as well as your son. I ask that you ask God ???? to us together, but provide a sense of comfort as the fragments of ? ???? us daily. I ask that you ask God to understand our ??????? and have faith alone doesn't provide what's missing. To have patience with us as our struggles strangle our faith. To look beyond the darkness that consumes and threatens our very existence. To love us no matter what.
Sheridan Correctional Center Afternoon
No prayer requests received.
Sheridan Correctional Center Evening
Juan - I thank God for giving me the blessings. Today I was told I passed a test, that I've been having problems with, thank you God for everything you do for me. Bless my mom and my families thank you.
Brandon - Pray for Scott and his mom, wife, and son. Pray that through this class all who sit in it will be filled with the Holy Spirit and the Lord will use us all to do His work in us and through us. Pray that the Lord will bring an uprising in Sheridan. Please pray for the Gregory family.
No name - Pray for me to put more trust in the Lord more and for me to turn myself totally over to God. And help me study and learn more about Him.
Brother Jeffery Ray - Lord we are thankful for your grace and mercy upon us servants as we serve Your will. We are blessed to be under your provision and purpose for our lives. Lord, I ask for the peace and wisdom to serveYou within my daily life, be seen by others who are searching in the darkness of life so that Your Son Jesus will be the light shining brightly through my walk and many more servants and those who are lost can be found. Lord Jesus, You are our Shepherd and the lost are who you seek out, may we be successful servants for You. In Jesus’ name amen.
David - Please continue to pray for all of our families, our peace, our safety, our leadership (new wardens), programs (new LTS officer). Pray for me to be prepared for my teaching in F. F. L. (Foundations for Life) Thursday and C. R. (Celebrate Recovery) Wednesday.
Gerald - Prayer for all the Christian brothers here at Sheridan. Our Warden currently left for another facility but the things he began here with the church and choir, I pray and ask for prayers that they do not stop what he began. Thank you.
Kevin - Please pray for healing for my jaw-bone it's an awkward and painful deterioration taking place on my right side. I believe the Lord can heal it and will with our prayers.
Jeffery V. - Would you guys please pray for the addicts who are still out there in the dark, that they are safe and fed. Pry for their families also as the struggle is rough. Also, for the courts in Randolph County to not bring me on a writ I would like to stay here at Sheridan. God bless.
Alex - Pray that I am able to grow closer to my Lord and Savior before I go home next month (3-27). I believe that I am saved and also that Jesus is here with me. Please give me the strength to change, amen.
Everett - Pray for God to prepare my path into the world and get me prepared for the world.
Jason - Remember my wife's grandma, she's on her death bed. Thanks.
Demond - I Demond would like prayers for my family and for us to grow stronger in the Lord. I'm also looking for a prayer friend to keep in contact with me and share the good Word of the Lord.
Christian Living
Dixon Correctional Center
No prayer requests received.
Sheridan Correctional Center Early
Juan - My blessings go out full force for Scott for always coming here to the prison to give us inmates prayer. Thank you, Scott, and blessings for his family! Prayers go out to my family may my mother stay healthy and strong and to all those who seek blessings
David - Please pray for powers to know God, for my kids, for our volunteers, for peace here, all to get along at work and school, for me to know God better and desire His will to humble myself and turn from my pride and greed and gluttony. Thank you very much with God's love.
Damareo - Please help me become a better father to my children, also help me be more of a disciplined individual. And please pray for my son that he stays focused in school and for my daughter Mariah, that she is safe and knows that I love her. And please pray for my friend Miranda that she stays focused and cost and trust all things in gods hands. And that my friend Rona trusts in God and has faith.
Alex - I’d like to wish my fiancé Kay and pray for her well-being that she'll be happy and loved by Father God. Pray that me and her have the best chance of making it to the day we get married. Pray for my mother and family in Pilsen that they're safe while I am still here until March 27, amen.
Demond - I would like prayer for me and my family and that our loved ones will grow stronger in the Lord. I'm looking for a prayer buddy and would like to stay in contact with someone I could pray with and someone willing to pray for me. Through this time I have here at Sheridan.
Sheridan Correctional Center Late
No prayer requests received.
SOCPM Alumni
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 05/2016 thru 11/2016
Paroled 02/03/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 01/2018 thru 06/2018
Transferred Pontiac MSU 02/03/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 10/2015 thru 04/2016
Discharged 02/03/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 01/2016 thru 11/2016
Dixon: 03/2017 thru 12/2017
Paroled 02/05/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 01/2018 thru 03/2018
Admitted Stateville NCR 02/05/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 06/2018 thru 02/2020
Paroled 02/06/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 01/2016 thru 05/2016
Discharged 02/06/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 02/2013 thru 07/2013
Paroled 02/07/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 05/2019 thru 01/2020
Transferred ATC North Lawndale 02/07/2020
Wesley Ministries
Illinois River Correctional Center
No prayer requests received from ministry partner.