
It appears that the men in all three Malachi Dad classes are being very attentive this term. Almost no side-grouping and eyes on the teacher have been constant thus far. Now, if I can get them to fully believe in the power of prayer and to submit their prayer requests.

I think for a lot of the men they don't 'truly' believe their prayers will be answered or can't think of any prayer requests that are important enough to submit.

I have often told them no prayer is too big nor too small and if you can't think of anything to pray for they have in that a prayer request. Pray God will open their hearts to see their need to be drawn closer to God through spiritual disciplines.

Please pray God will draw these men close to Him especially in Dixon.


To Him be the glory!

Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries

Discipleship - Defending Your Faith Part 2

Dixon Correctional Center

David - Please pray for my children and my brother Antonio sufferers of cancer.

Wes – Can you pray that the letter I sent my family will be good for them and me and we can grow stronger than ever and can you pray that I get my mail resolve and find out where it is and can get it. Thank you.

Ruben – My mom is going to the doctor today, and I need you to pray for her she needs it. And I haven't heard from my kids and my wife. I need some prayer for me.

A. C.– Pray the Lord will help me in my decision to transfer or not. May he help my parents with their health issues. May the Lord be with Scott and his family with their needs. Please bless all the men here at Dixon and help keep them in their walk with him. Pray all this in his holy name, Amen.

No name– Pray for my celly (David) and his family. Pray that he will change his negative attitude to a positive one. Bless all the volunteers and their families. May God's grace and mercy be with us all. Pray that Cameron's addiction is removed.

Juan - Can you please pray for me with my sexual desires that I'm having. It is hard for me to overcome those desires. Also, pray for the brothers and sisters in Christ that are in prison, that our Creator may give them the strength they need two get by.

Sheridan Correctional Center Afternoon

Jason - Prayer for my grandpa he is alone out there in woods while my grandma is in her state. He is a good-hearted man, and I hope and pray for his strength and that no one is taking advantage of him.

Jason - first to my grandma for her health and Love for Christ as she is in her state. She had a heart attack and is in the hospital, and I hope I can make it to her before God decides to take her.

 Paul - I would like prayer for our Lord's grace and mercy for all of my wife's and family's daily functions. I will be asking for prayer for Scott and his family. His son Cameron that he be granted blessing. I pray for myself for gaining rest in peace (prayer for God's will) to allow us all good sustaining health. Big God for all things. In Jesus Christ name I pray. Amen. I love and thank you, Amen.

Sheridan Correctional Center Evening

Michael - Hello, how are you doing? First, I want to say thank you for praying for my family and me. My name is Michael, can you please pray for me that I can go home on July 20, this year, please? Thank you so much. God bless you and your family.

Michael - Hello, how are you doing? Thank you for taking time to pray for my family and me. Can you please pray for me that I can go back home to my family. Also, can you pray for me I can go home in July? Can you pray for me that I can go home in July? Please thank you. God bless you and your family. Thank you.

Jacques - Pray for my son Jacques Jr.


Christian Living: Malachi Dads - The Blessed Man

Dixon Correctional Center

No prayer request submitted.

Christian Living: Malachi Dads - The Heart of a Man

Sheridan Correctional Center Early

Manuel– Dear Lord I ask that you open the minds and hearts of all the inmates here at Sheridan to your love, your protection, and favor. Pray that You may protect their families from harm, keep them safe, healthy, and happy. Pray that you remove all the hate from their hearts, give them the strength to forgive and love.

Manuel - Give them clear minds in your hearts. Please continue to watch over my children keep them safe and help and happy. Continue to love them and never let dem forget how much I love them, and I think about them every day. I pray that the mother of my children is happy and healthy and has love in her heart and does the best for my children.

Manuel - Pray that they become better fathers to their kids that the relationship grows in Christ. That the woman I love is happy and healthy and her kids are too. She finds it in her heart to forgive me for my mistakes. Pray that we find our way back to each other. God give me strength, patience, and wisdom.

Manuel - God show Yourself to me talk to me guiding me in every avenue of my life teach me my path speak to me guide me in every Avenue of my life show me my path that you God let have for me. God let Your will be done, not mine. Your thoughts are not my thoughts; your ways are greater than my ways. So, I asked that I hope that it is in your will to give me six months good time so I may go home to my family. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Jason - Prayers, for myself I am in constant worry and impatient to reform my family and get to my daughters.

Jason - Prayers, I need prayers for myself. I have been having trouble sleeping dreaming about my daughters and continuously waking up I'm am in a lot resentfulness towards my mother, and it is filling my head with negative thoughts.

Jason - Prayer for my family specifically my daughters to please keep hold in their hearts and let them know I haven't given up on them.

Jason - Prayer for my mother to change her heart on matters to stop the betrayal and deceitfulness.

Jason - A prayer to keep the Holy Spirit in my heart and mind and soul as I journey back to my life.

Sheridan Correctional Center Late

William – I need prayer to think positive as my life, and daily schedule is increasing with loads of duties, tasks, and responsibilities. I'm trying to accept these challenges as God's gifts of accountability, integrity, discipline, and maintenance. But, feel overwhelmed but don't want to miss God's will and readiness for my leadership. Also, stay humble and act and think of others still while I have my own goals of self. (I'm struggling to a degree my own will's not enough.) Also, prayers for health, balance and what seems for our families, friends in the world we live in. Through God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Sir - Please pray the Lord uses my gifts to edify the church. Pray that God leads me to a faith-based Bible teaching church. Pray, I get into to Celebrate Recovery (one around my parole site). Pray that I get a decent job too; 1) tithe, 2) to provide for myself,  3) provide for my family. Thank you!

 Robert – Please keep in your prayers and thoughts for the help of my Grannie Loretta as well as my own. Also, relieve me of compulsive this, I.S.O. (in search of) more self-control.

Derrick - God thank you for being in my life keep me from doing things I should not help me to stay on track and help my wife help me to stay on track and help my wife to get her things together and keep her safe and hopefully she gets a better job.

Clayton - Ask for prayer that my kids' mother will be safe and she accepts Christ in her heart and that our relationship will be healed, and that someday her and I and my two kids will be all under the same roof again. Also, pray that God gives me the strength and the wisdom to continue my recovery and my walk with Him.

SOCPM Alumni

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 08/2016 thru 06/2018
Paroled 06/18/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Dixon; 06/2016 thru 11/2016
Admitted Statesville NCR 06/18/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 04/2017 thru 04/2017
Admitted Stateville NCR 06/18/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon; 10/2015 thru 05/2016
Discharged 06/19/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 02/2012 thru 03/2012
Dixon: 07/2012 thru 07/2012
Discharged 06/19/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 10/2013 thru 12/2015
Sheridan: 12/2016 thru 01/2017
Paroled 06/19/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 08/2017 thru 06/2018
Paroled 06/19/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 02/2017 thru 06/2018
Paroled 06/19/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 08/2014 thru 06/2015
Discharged 06/19/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 06/2012 thru 09/2012
Paroled 06/20/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 12/2016 thru 01/2018
Paroled 06/20/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon; 11/2017thru 06/2018
Paroled 06/20/2018

New Life Corrections
Lawrence; 03/2014
Discharged 06/20/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 01/2018 thru 05/2018
Paroled 06/22/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 12/2016 thru 01/2017
Paroled 06/22/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon; 02/2018 thru 05/2018
Discharged 06/22/2018


Wesley Ministries

Illinois River Correctional Center

No prayer requests submitted by ministry partner.