Reading Taurus' prayer request (Sheridan Malachi Dads 10:00) is a heart penetrating reminder of the solemn call to God's purpose behind prison ministry and our call to pray.
I do thank you all with absolute sincerity in my heart for praying for Taurus and the many men and women in prison.
To Him be the glory!
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
Discipleship - Defending Your Faith Part 2
Dixon Correctional Center
A. C. - Gracious and glorious Creator, thank you for another blessed day. I come to you to ask forgiveness for this day and sins I may have committed. I pray you continue to be with me and help me to grow in You to be Christlike. May you be with my family and keep them safe and out of harm's reach as I am away. Thank you again for Scott and may you be with him and his family. Help them wherever they need you. I love you, Lord. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.
Randy - My nephew Bradley deployed overseas to Afghanistan in the military for protection, guidance and to come home safe to family and friends. Cameron's salvation and addiction. Pray for my family's salvation and protection. Christians in Israel for protection. Scott 'sand Michelle's health and Ministry.
Sheridan Correctional Center Afternoon
Jeff - I need help with patient and understanding. Also, I am a little concerned about my employer bill. I haven't gotten a letter in a few months; that's not like you.
Paul - I would like to have a prayer for my wife, children, friends, neighbors, neighbors, and enemies, health and peace. I would like prayer for Scott, his wife, and son Cameron, for their health and peace. Please allow my son's heart to be open to changing his life of drugs, as well as to my own. In Jesus Christ name. I asked for prayer.
Jason - Prayers to keep my eyes spiritually open and to let go and listen to God when I walked out of prison because the devil is waiting for me on the other side ready and smart to pursue me the wrong way. I need to stay focused.
Ronald - Please pray for my Aunt Patty's health and myself that the Spirit fills me and that He leads me. Pray that I walk in the Spirit and not the flesh. Thank you!
Max - God is working out all things for me (Romans 8:26 – 29). Pray for my son Marc who signed up for the army. My son Max Junior who is off to college. One son is left with my wife Christina, Justin is his name. Prayer for believing in supernatural opportunities for all of them. Pray for my daughter Christian, 24-years old. Pray for all of them for divine intervention.
Sheridan Correctional Center Evening
Michael - Hello, how are you doing? First, I want to say thank you for praying for my family and me. My name is Michael, can you please pray for me and my family, please. My sons Michael Junior and Noah, please. Thank you so much. God bless you and your family.
Michael - Hello, how are you doing? Thank you for, praying for me. My name is Michael, can you please pray for me that I can go home next month in July, on the 20th, please. Thank you. God bless you.
Javonte - Pray for my earthly father that he may be released from prison and can you pray that I may be a part of my brother's and sister's lives in that we really get to know each other better. Thank you.
Javonte - pray for me that I would stay focused on God when released. Also, can you pray that I would be able to find a job right away upon my release? Also, pray for my family that they may have eyes to see and ears to hear and that they really know Jesus personally.
Christian Living: Malachi Dads - The Blessed Man
Dixon Correctional Center
No prayer request submitted.
Christian Living: Malachi Dads - The Heart of a Man
Sheridan Correctional Center Early
Jason - I need constant prayer in this matter. I keep resentment and frustration my heart towards my mother. The emotions have caused me to lack ?????? and brain power and consistent bad thoughts.
Jason - Pray for my mother to fill her heart was humble notice, love, understanding encourage. Very important.
Jason–Pray for my two little girls and son, to give them hope, understanding, and forgiveness and for Jesus to come into their hearts and vision to see things for what they are. Keep resentment out of their hearts.
Jason - pray for my children's mothers to give them hope, understanding, forgiveness, keep the bitterness out of their hearts.
Jason - I need prayer for restoration in my family. I need Jesus to intervene in the mass sin that is in our family. For Jesus, God to help me because'sGod to help me because I can't do it on my own.
Jason - Pray for my grandma who had a stroke. I worry I won't see her before I can get out of here and I pray for her health. Also, for my grandpa and his heart and his struggles as well.
Manuel - God give me strength, give me patience, give me wisdom. God, please guide me through my bad times and walk next to me in the good with your hand on my shoulder. Hear my praise in the good times. And answer my prayer, hear my pleas, talk to me in my bad times. Show me the path so that I may walk it. Help me when my faith waivers. Put your hand out so I can find my way and keep my faith. Protect the hearts and lives of the families of all men incarcerated. Find your way into their hearts, allow them to feel Your unconditional love.
Manuel - Continue to watch over my children, be the Father that I cannot be right now. Let them know they are loved and wanted. Watch over my friends and family. Keep them safe and healthy. Allow them to succeed in their life's financial situations. To all of them eligible for six months hello allow them to receive it so they can go home to their families. Give me six months so I can go home and be a Kingdom man. Give me the confidence to follow you with all my heart and mine. To know that you have chosen me that I am a child of the most high God and to never forget that. Heal my fellow inmate's wife. Comfort her in her time of need, heal her take away the cancer. Amen.
Sheridan Correctional Center Late
William G. - I pray and ask for prayers for my family and me to use our borrow time on earth fulfilling the will of God to use our time together and appreciate all these moments.
Willam G. - I pray for God's will and blessings for you, myself and the people of earth to continue to be in God's grace and mercy and we reviewed sin. In Jesus name.
William G. – I need help to maintain peace and understanding with each challenge and tribulation. That God instills the right choices, mind frame, attitude throughout the rest of my existence. I have school, exercise, relationships, ambitions, dreams, and goals. I pray God continues to see the need for growth and development and I'm adherent to his calling.
William G. - I need prayers for help in my transitions as I prepare to for my release from prison in the next 100 days. That My road and doors are open and paved and I'm putting forth the effort to harvest the fruits of life God has designed and intended for me in Jesus name reclaim.
Paris - Pray that I get home on time or before my time. Pray for the safety of my kids and family. Pray that I can change my thinking, stay sober, open my heart to God in.
John - I would like to pray for my family and friends. Also, I get home to them real soon and in good health.
Taurus – I like to pray for Jesus to remove all cursing, lying, illegal drug use, hustling, disrespect and desire for revenge for the guys killed my big brother, and father and my lust. And to keep me strong and my family to keep them strong for me. Thank you in Jesus name I pray.
William R. – I would like God to remove the lost and cursing. I will also like God to guide my heart and mind for better growth in life.
Robert - Please say a prayer for my Grannie Loretta, her health as well as my own. Also, I am working on my addictive behaviors. Please pray.
Derrick - Lord help me to be forgiving, help me to understand the position I put myself in. Help me Lord to stay focused on me and do what I need to do, no matter what.
Sir –Pray that I stay humble. Pray that I become patient in tribulation. Pray that I find a good home church. Pray that I find a good Celebrated Recovery and an AA program to get into. Pray that the Lord blesses my finances and that I may become a blessing to others.
SOCPM Alumni
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 08/2017 thru 08/2017
Paroled 06/25/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 07/2016 thru 11/2016
Sheridan; 03/2017 thru 09/2017
PAroled 06/25/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 04/2017 thru 04/2017
Transferred Pinkneyville 06/26/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 10/2015 thru 12/2015
Discharged 06/26/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 03/2013 thru 05/2013
Discharged 06//2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 06/2016 thru 10/2016
Discharged 06/27/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 12/2013 thru 02/2016
Transferred Dixon 06/27/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Dixon; 04/2017 thru 04/2017
Discharged 06/28/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 01/2015 thru 01/2015
Transferred Lawrence 06/28/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Stateville NRC; 01/2015 thru 01/2015
Discharged 01/18/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 03/2012 thru 03/2012
Paroled 06/29/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 03/2013 thru 05/2013
Paroled 06/29/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Dixon; 01/2018 thru 05/2018
Paroled 06/29/2018
Wesley Ministries
Illinois River Correctional Center
No prayer requests submitted by ministry partner.