
The Discipleship class ‘Assurance of Faith’ by Joel Beeke continues to be well received by both Dixon and Sheridan students. We had ten new students join us in Sheridan which was a blessing. The lesson itself was ‘Personal Evidences’ and a continuation of studying the Westminster Confession of Faith chapter 18 paragraph 2. The teaching centered on doing self-examination in the bearing of Fruit as a means of evidence for those who are in Christ. The Puritans would go to the marks of grace as stated in the Scriptures first in the Beatitudes, then Galatians 5:22-232 Peter 1:5-10, and all of 1 John

The Malachi Dads’ class at Dixon continued reading from ‘Family Restoration’ the chapter on ‘Deep Healing’ ing in Healthy Authority.’ One of my favorite verses was referenced 2 Timothy 4:2-4 on how we will turn to false teachers to satisfy our itchy ears to satisfy our passions and wander off into myths. It was a great opening to speak out on the many false teachers in today’s prisons. Some of the other Scripture Jeremiah 8:4-12 and how we are in denial of our sin. 

Quite a few more references to Scripture but I want to share a couple of stories. Once again Ivan continues to take of turning fro his old way and turning to Christ. Another student Victor shared his troubled youth with two parents that are addicts and alcoholic and how he suffered sexual and emotional abuse. He also though confessed and took full responsibility in the tragic crime he committed. I thank Victor for sharing what was no doubt some very dark areas of his life. But praise be to God, Felix has left that behind and has found joy, peace, and love in Jesus Christ.

In Sheridan Malachi Dads classes we also welcomed ten new students as we continued in the book ‘Heart of a Father’, chapter four ’Sanctification’ Key topics were God’s holiness and His desire for His followers to be holy and how through the work of the Holy Spirit the Christian once a believer goes through a life long process of growing more like Christ. He delivers us from our dark past Colossians 1:13-14 by making us new creations 2 Corinthians 5:17 and once we are new creations to set goals one being no longer confirmed to our pasts 1 Peter 1:14-15 but we must submit to the work of the Holy Spirit offering our selves as living sacrifices and to be transformed by the renewing of our minds Romans 12:1-2

Seeing the classes increase and men sharing how they have such a hunger to grow in Christ in the way of fatherhood and overall Christian living has been a blessing these past few weeks. Thank you for your support and prayers.

To Him be the glory!

Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries


Dixon Correctional Center

Wayne - Please pray that my phone call with my attorneys tomorrow leaves me assured in my heart that our strategy is a winning strategy and that we get on the same page moving forward. Thank you.

Randy - Scott's ministry SOC for blessings, Cameron for salvation and overcoming addiction, family for salvation and reconciliation, Dixon Correctional Center for salvation for lost inmates, Chaplain Thomas guidance and blessings and wisdom and understanding.

A. C. - Dear Lord, thank you for this day. Thank you for giving my dad and brother good test results and for starting to mend my wife, Anika’s and daughter Jenna's relationship. Please bless Scott and his family may their prayers be heard and answered. Pray that my sister’s house gets approved so I may be able to get home faster to my wife, kids, and family. Pray for any of my brothers going home. May they stay in faith and be blessed. In Jesus' name, amen!

Frank - I ask that you pray for me, Frank, as well as your son and those of us who are struggling to find our way. I ask that you ask for the Lord to have patience with us and to grant us strength as the seeds of doubt find growth in that place of darkness we find ourselves. I ask that you ask our
Father to provide love where hate looms and assurance where doubt lurks. Ask Him to continue to bless and strengthen you so you can do His work and lead us out of the darkness.

Thomas - Please I pray to bring co-workers to the harvest (the veterans of the United States of America armed forces). We have begun the process through the organization “Footsteps” to benefit our brave people who have sacrificed for this Great nation and heal our souls. “God bless the USA.” Sincerely yours. Thanks!!!

Todd - To receive the wisdom that'll allow me to discern what will bring God glory He truly deserves and allow His will to be done in my life. Give me the words at the proper time, that will help restore a person's faith and mend relationships that have been severed, for the help, faith, and strength of my family to get through tough times, for the healing of my nephew for gunshot wound's, renewing of our minds on a continuous basis.

Sheridan Correctional Center Afternoon

No name - God pray for my family, Carman, Ricky, Bobby, Tony, Alex, Evelyn.

Zahn - That God protects my path and revealed to me the path that I am to travel.

Chad - Court date March 5th

Sheridan Correctional Center Evening

Brandon - Please All the Christian messengers that come into our presence. Pray that we receive the message that is given. That I will be spirit-filled. Please pray that I find my quality in Christ and become the man God created me to be and my life is about God's will. That I am a good father, husband, and Christian leader. Please pray for my wife and children.

Ray - Please pray that I become stronger in my faith. Also, pray that I can listen for God and obey what He says. Also, pray for my family that they have joy and happiness in serving God. Thank you!

Jeff - I would like to pray for my fiancé's father, Leroy he suffered a severe stroke a couple of days ago.

David - Please pray for peace here, for our families' welfare, health, and knowledge of God's will, or their lives peace at work (commissary) on the deck for a good time for all the guys that just went home, for the people affected by coronavirus. For our volunteers here and their families. Thank you.

No name - Please pray for our discipleship 5 PM class for the disruptive talking! Also, please pray for my friend Dusty that he may receive many blessings through his next year of incarceration! Also, bless Dusty for the humility and strength he continues to show! Thank you.

Donald - Prayers for (newborn) grandson Milo premature. Please pray he remains strong and keeps living.

Juan - Prayer thank you God for looking over my mom, she is 93 years old was in the hospital, home now but still has the flu, please keep her in prayer, Manuela. I'm in prison now, I have five months to go after five years incarcerated, I pray daily to come home to my mom and family thank you to keep me in prayer.

Alex - Pray my transitional house is safe and helps me get back on my feet. It's in Iowa and called “Second Chance Sober Living” which is close to my fiancé's mother's house. Pray that I find a good job ASAP and a good church too. Thank you, friends, of God.

Jim - Please pray that my 90-year-old mom Rosemary stays physically healthy while on incarcerated. Thank you, in Christ alone.

No name - Make strong in Christ, help me learn how to give all my worries to Him. God bless.

Christian Living

Dixon Correctional CenterNo prayer requests received.

Sheridan Correctional Center Early

Juan - Prayer for Scott and his family may our Lord always bless them, as well as my mom, that she stays healthy and strong, she's been down under the weather give her a blessing and for all of those who seek a blessing as well as myself.

Demond - I Demond need prayer for me and wife and kids, we need to be stronger in the Lord and that our faith will grow with him. I also need prayer for me to have a better mind-frame, and to help me stay on track. Also, I can be that husband and father and leave them in the right way.

Damareo - Please pray for my brother Von he is soon to be released, please keep him on a good path, also please pray for my dad and his malaise stays healthy. Please also pray for my cousin Amber and her malaise also stays healthy and please pray for my cousin Antwon that he stays focused in school, please. Amen. Thank you.

Damareo - Please pray for me as I go to court within the next few weeks. I'm hoping to receive mercy on my behalf. Also please pray for my mother and her health. Also, please pray for my daughter Annie that she controls her behavior and emotions. Please also pray for Scott’s son that he stays clean and sober and also keeps his in God.

Alex - I need God's protection as I leave prison and head back out to the streets of Chicago. Also, for help to find a great transitional house to parole to. Pray for my family and me to grow closer to Christ.

Sheridan Correctional Center Late

No name - My cellie he's really going through some tough stuff. He’s feeling a lot of pressure from all sides. He is a believer. His name is Michael. Thank you.

Greg - I ask that you pray for the strength to get me through the tribulations I am enduring. I asked for perseverance to fight off the devil. Pray for my cousin who might have cancer from a tumor behind his eyes. Pray for all the inmates, officers, and employees here in Sheridan. Pray for my family and my friends that they stay healthy and safe! God bless you!

Malcolm - I'm going through a hard time putting my faith in God and Jesus Christ so please pray for me to be strengthened with faith that is the truth.

Cody - My grandpa (David) is suffering from Alzheimers/dementia. My stepdad has kidney stones, currently has a stent and waiting for surgery (Chip). Prayers for me while I try to get information about a son I've never met, also prayers for him and his mother, (Kendra and Boyd). My friend, Adam, dealing with a hard break up and struggling with his faith. Chad, a good family friend, was paroled today. Pray for his well-being and sobriety. Michael, uncle, pray for his sobriety and he goes to court to be sentenced next month.

Anthony - For my children's safety and protection and provision, for Turquoisha’s heart, for my prayer life, for wisdom and understanding when reading the Bible, for a release date that allows me to be at my children's graduation, for my parent’s protection and well-being and health.

Randy - I would like to pray for the reconciliation of my family. Also, for my wife and friends in their addiction.

Kevin - Please pray for my “fire” to be rekindled. I've been slacking on my Bible reading and correspondence. Also, pray for my physical health, my jaw is painful and needs healing. Also, please pray for my daughter's first heartbreak, Raquel.

Jason - Prayer my friend Eric so he might find some peace in Jesus. Thank you.

Brandon - Please pray for Scott, his mother, wife, and son. Scott makes a diff with his message. Please please, pray for my wife Adrienne. She has been hit with doubt from some non-Christian woman from work, about waiting on a husband in prison, she told me last night that she was sorry she let the Devil in and was going to talk to her sponsor and our pastor. So seems to be going back the other way but just in case, pray God will reveal his will to my wife, please. We also have four children that will be affected more than they are already please keep us in your prayers.

Justin - Family/friend (Elizabeth) ill, kids. All the inmates and staff. Pray that the coronavirus doesn't spread in our country.

Alden - Pray for Jackson family, for health, strength, finance and grieving over the loss of my brother he died February 3, 20.

SOCPM Alumni

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 05/2019 thru 08/2019
Paroled 02/24/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 08/2017 thru 12/2017
Admitted Stateville NRC 02/24/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 01/2020 thru 02/2020
Transferred ATC Crossroads 02/21/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 07/2013 thru 11/2013
Discharged 02/21/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 02/2020 thru 02/2020
Transferred Hill 02/27/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 04/2017 thru 05/2018
Paroled 02/28/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 08/2017 thru 09/2017
Sheridan: 12/2017 thru 12/2017
Paroled 02/28/2020

Wesley Ministries

Illinois River Correctional Center

Troy - Transfer to drug rehab facility, for my family to send my transcript
for college entrance, for the lost here in prison.

Timothy - For GED class

Cliff - For my sister's seizures, for my friend who lost her baby because of her alcohol issues, if she sobers up.

Chris - My salvation, seeking peace w/ God and everyone.

Joshua - For my mom's cancer and my girlfriend's rehab and custody battle.

Jerry - For me to be everything the Lord wants me to be, for my family.

Brandon - For my connection to God as I prepare to go home in 2 months.

Jimmy - For my kids and salvation.

D. J. - For my family and my trials here.

William - For the coronavirus to be cured.

Steve - I applied for 450 days of good-time and my approved parole site
in Peoria.

No name - For my 2 yr old son, that I become joyful in Christ, for all my family.