Classes at Dixon resumed where they watched last week’s ‘Church History’ and this week’s ‘Divine Promises, the latter also being the lesson for both Discipleship classes as we continued the teaching series ‘Assurance of Faith’ by Joel Beeke. The teaching again was focused on the Westminster Confession of Faith chapter 18 paragraph 2. The primary scripture was 2 Corinthians 1:18-20. The lesson discussion centered on the way God's promises become more and more real to Christians over time as we experience God. Some of the supporting Scripture was about the unchanging God Malachi 3:6, His everlasting love Jeremiah 31:3, His gifts and calling are without repentance Romans 11:29, The inviolability of God's oath, Hebrews 6:17-20.
About midway of discussion time at Sheridan’s Friday evening Discipleship class was driven off the topic of God’s divine promises but in a glorious way. Donnie a new SOCPM student confessed ‘this stuff you are teaching is all new to me adjust what does salvation me?’ It opened the door for a clear and detailed explanation of the Gospel, followed by many questions related to being saved, sanctification and more. As all of responded to Donnie’s question, he was diligently writing the answer to his questions. I happened to have an article from my Malachi Dads’ class ‘Saved From What’ still on the distribution table and gave it to Donnie. I plan to search my library of many articles related to the Gospel, salvation, sanctification, and Bible study. Please pray for Donnie that God would fully open his mind and heart to receive the truth of the Good News and that God would bless him with the Holy Spirit.
The Malachi Dads’ class was from the book ‘Family Restoration’ the chapter on ‘Setting in Healthy Authority.’ The class remains small but it allows for a longer discussion on the topic and questions. Ivan continues to attend and share how he clearly sees how his former life as a gang member wrong, how now he sees knowing Jesus and God is what he must do. David another student also has ben agreeing to how his way of thinking was opposite to the way God calls us to live. I really can’t say I know the hearts of these me, but if they are not yet believers God is definitely drawing them close. (John 6:44)
In Sheridan Malachi Dads' classes we continued in the book ‘Heart of a Father’, chapter three ’Salvation’ Again one of my favorite chapters as it gave another opportunity to make another clear teaching of the Gospel and how our only hope from God’s wrath is Jesus Christ. A lot of Scripture, a few being Genesis 6:5-6, Psalm 53:2-3, John 14:6, Romans 3:23-34, 10:9-10, and Ephesians 1:13-14.
There is a lot happening in getting students connected to a church once paroled, but in respect of your time (this newsletter is getting long), I won't give all that is happening but will just say God has moved many churches to open their doors to the men. Pray the men now do their part and take the initiative in contacting these churches.
I had an opportunity to talk with Sheridan Chaplain Leon and he shared some of the challenges he is encountering (will not share since he did not give permission) but I ask you to lift him and Chaplain Rob of Dixon in prayer.
Sorry for the length but it was simply one of those weeks where God brought forth much in-class discussion and stored in my heart.
To Him be the glory!
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
Dixon Correctional Center
A. C. - Lord of all, thank you for this day and all that You will provide in it. Thank you for all the many prayers answered and blessings. I ask You to please continue Your work in me and my overcoming the temptations that still hang around. Please be with Scott and his family, may their prayers be answered. Be with my brother and my father as they go through their testings and doctor appointments. I pray all this in our Lord and Savior's name, Jesus. Amen!
Wayne - Please pray that my girlfriend's surgery goes great and what they remove does not come back. Also, please pray that my judge keeps my evidentiary hearing date on March 19th. Also, please pray that my buddy Mike receives mercy from his job. Thank you.
Randy - Aunt’s Brain surgery – tumor; uncle's death 2/4/20 praying for the family for guidance and salvation, guidance daily from the Holy Spirit, guidance and understanding for the COs, Warden as well as all in authority here at Dixon, Cameron salvation and addiction.
Todd - Strengthen my perspective of what it is to live as a Christian, become free of guilt despite being understanding of God's grace and mercy. Words of wisdom to bring those whose not as trusting in God or focused on Him as they should be, into a stronger belief. Peace, grace, mercy, and comfort for my daughter, friends, family, and fiancé. To help my mind remain open to all that Christ has to say, give and bless me worth, get out of my own way to let His will be done in my life.
Victor - Pray to and supplicate to the heavenly Father through Jesus the Christ that I Victor gains and obtains more spiritual counsels on true freedom.
Sheridan Correctional Center Afternoon
No name - Please pray for my fiancé Crystal. Pray for success in my life, for renewing me with my daughter and ex-wife Patricia, for my daughter Phoenix’s and ex-wife Patricia's good health. Thank you. God bless you.
Sheridan Correctional Center Evening
Bobby - Pray for our Heavenly Father to get hold of my son Bobby's heart. Pray for healing for my son Todd who has HIV. Pray for peace for my wife Trina. Pray for our leaders.
Dusty - Please Mr. Risner's dad who just found out he has stage four cancer. Please pray for Marc, I still haven't heard from him. Pray for Aaron, he is going for a job interview. Pray for Bobbi Jo she recently had surgery to have her lower leg removed.
Jeffery - I pray for the addicts who are in the darkness so they are safe and can see the light. Also, thank Him for coming in my heart. And give me the strength to continue on the path He chose for me.
Jason - Please keep my two kids in prayer, Wesley and Daniel.
Juan - Prayer and a blessing to all who seek your help. And to Scott and his family blessing always and of course my family. Pray for Brother Jeffrey Ray bless him, protect him forgive him in the situation he is in, may everything go well. God bless.
David - Please pray for our groups that they are respectful. And follow the intentions of God's will and the direction of the teacher. Pray for me to bear much fruit for him, to live as he wants, long as he wants, forgive as he wants. Bless my kids with wisdom, grace, mercy, provisions and most of all love! Thank you!
No name - Pray for all of us here and our families. For me to be strong in the Lord way.
Everett - Pray for God to make away for me and Meredith, (my son's mother ) to be together in a relationship that will lead to marriage and have His blessing.
Alex - Pray I find a good and safe transitional living place to parole to. Also, that I leave March 20 and not March 27 like my outdate currently is stuck on. Please let Mr. Eike let me sign my last contract so that I can leave here on 20 March like I'm supposed to.
Christian Living
Dixon Correctional Center
James - Please the children to transition back home smoothly. For open doors of opportunity is in for all our needs to be met.
Sheridan Correctional Center Early
Demond - I Demond need prayer for my family especially my children and my wife that we need to grow stronger in the Lord.
Alexander - Pray for my soul and my safety also pray that I get the five days of good time that Sheridan owes me from HD2 electrical. Those five days will help me get home one full week from March 27 to March 20.
David - Please pray for peace here, for followers of Christ to live the light of God to shine brightly in this dark world to share the good news boldly. Pray for our families, good-time, for our volunteers, for our programs and their attendance for peace at work (commissary). Thank you.
Gerald - I had a prayer request about not knowing where I was going to parole to. Had an obstacle I had to go through and I am sure prayer and God's love made it work as His Scripture tells me Romans 8:28, Hebrews 11:6. Thank you for your prayers. God bless you.
Juan - Today I would love to give blessings to Scott and his family. God may we all be strong believers in our faith help us, give us a sign. Bless our families, keep my mother healthy and strong. Thank you. Amen. She's 93 years old, God bless.
Damareo - Please pray for me and my fiancé Miranda as we continue to go to court next week that God forgives us and shows mercy on our family. Please, also please shed light on me and my mother's relationship. Please pray that God helps me with fighting off the devil and also dealing with patience. Also, please pray for my children that they are safe and in good health, please.
Damareo - Please pray for my cousin that he finish his CDL school, also please pray for my grandmother that her health is good. Please help me also have better faith and discipline. Please, also God please rescue me from my past mistakes. Please give me a better insight into the Bible and please pray for my brothers that they seek God and trust in Him. Please pray that I will be able to take another test please so I can start school.
Sheridan Correctional Center Late
Brandon - Wanna give God prayers for all his blessings. For this beautiful day for Scott and his message. Please pray for my spiritual baptism and all who hear the message of God pray for revival in Sheridan. Pray for the Gregory family that we live the will of God and raise our children godly.
Collin - Update: I had asked that you pray for my girlfriend Ashley that is in prison in Logan C. C. And has a blood clot in her foot. She was hospitalized on a very high dose of Coumadin (blood thinner). She’s now been released from the hospital. The swelling has gone down and they have reduced the dosage to something closer to normal (whatever that is). Thank you for your prayers!! Praise God!! Please continue to pray for further healing. God bless y’all! Also my mom, Patti, just had double hernia surgery please pray for healing! Thank you so much.
Jesse - I ask you to pray for my wife and me, for our families (children) to come together to become one family that is strong and everlasting. Please pray for her to find a home for our family to be together and for her to find a suitable form of employment to help her gain financial stability. Thank you.
Curin - Please pray for my family and my kids, their mother, and all my friends and close people. Pray that God keeps us safe and draws us near to Him for we all have sinned but I don't wanna sin no more.
Harold - Please pray God will bring a better understanding to me and open my spiritual eyes and ears.
Justin - My family, seven kids, officers and West Care staff and my transfer to a better place.
SOCPM Alumni
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 02/2018 thru 12/2018
Transferred Shawnee 02/18/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 09/2017 thru 08/2018
Transferred Menard 02/19/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 08/2017 thru 10/2018
Admitted Stateville NRC 02/20/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 01/2020 thru 02/2020
Transferred ATC Crossroads 02/21/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 07/2013 thru 11/2013
Discharged 02/21/2020
Wesley Ministries
Illinois River Correctional Center
No prayer requests received from ministry partner.