
The new term will soon be here, may God be glorified.

I've prepared for 8 of 11 lessons of 'Assurance of Faith' by Joel Beeke continues. I ask for your prayers in my actual presenting the course material.

Nothing to do with the ministry but here is a link to an article I read from Tabletalk magazine One verse that stood out to me was Ephesians 4:29 "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."

I thought it is one that I make certain I obey with all the division going on in our world and sadly the Church.

Again I ask you to pray for Chaplain Thomas at Dixon and Chaplain McClimans at Sheridan.

Also, prayers for my son Cameron. I don't know all the details, he's not answering or has access to his phone, but his mom texted me saying he needs prayer that he is drinking and doing drugs.

To Him be the glory!

Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries


Dixon Correctional Center

Term break - Classes resume January 22nd, 2020

Sheridan Correctional Center Afternoon

Term break - Classes resume January 24th, 2020

Sheridan Correctional Center Evening

Term break - Classes resume January 24th, 2020

Christian Living

Dixon Correctional Center

Term break - Classes resume January 22nd, 2020

Sheridan Correctional Center Early

Term break - Classes resume January 24th, 2020

Sheridan Correctional Center Late

Term break - Classes resume January 24th, 2020

SOCPM Alumni

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 11/2018 thru 12/2018
Discharged 01/08/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 01/2016 thru 05/2016
Admitted Stateville NRC 01/08/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 05/2015 thru 06/2015
Dixon: 02/2016 thru 04/2016
Dixon: 01/2019 thru 08/2019
Transferred Stateville 01/08/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 09/2019 thru 12/2019
Paroled 01/09/2020

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 12/2017 thru 03/2018
Discharged 01/10/2020

Wesley Ministries

Illinois River Correctional Center

Antonio - For my family and that I see another day. Blessings to all of you.

Chaka - For me and my fiancee who will have surgery 23rd.

Troy - For my transfer to a better joint.

Ronnie - For my family and acceptable parole site

Thomas - For the anger in my heart to be removed, for my son who's doing better.