
It's mid-November, it has been snowing which is my indicator winter is here already. UGH, I do not like winter. But it also means the end of a term is fast on its way.

Actually, the term ends on the official start of winter December 21st. It in many ways seems like this term just began. UGH, I do not like having time just evaporate as if it never was. Reminds me of James 4:14 "yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes."

The terms as well are just a midst but I pray they harvest eternal fruit.

Thanks for your prayer support.

To Him be the glory!

Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries

Discipleship - Studying, Interpreting, & Trusting the Bible

Dixon Correctional Center

Ron - Pray for a ride home other than the bus. Bring mom's health she's on oxygen and has emphysema. Scotty's mother she's dying and pray Scotty makes it home in November 2019 before she passes. Kenny has he's going through physical therapy. My brother's salvation.

Thomas - Please pray for Kendra who struggles with worry, control alcohol and tobacco fear of rejection (an orphan child who was adopted) approval addiction and trust issues. Plus, her daughter Keeley and granddaughter Jayden Lee are separated by child protection services with frivolous complaints and false witness; please, pray this family surrenders all to our heavenly Father and be healed, reconciled and immediate restoration– So help us, God. Thanks!

Ernest - Thank you for being the minister for Christ you have been in all of our lives. Will you continue to pray for my fiancé? She has a hyperthyroid and has put on 11 pounds so far with the medication. All of her symptoms are feeding. She went from taking 10 mg three times daily Down to 10 mg once a day. I want to pray for my mother who had a stroke. I want to ask God for blessings in favor, patience and strength, and for God's will to be done in my life. Thank you!

No name - I pray that my love for "Elsie" will help her to endure the hardships of everyday life better. And to let God take on some of her hardships and show her the way email. I want to pray for those who take the time out there day and read on Frères. Also, I pray to wish them good health and prosperity. Amen, I pray for the help in the family health of the brothers of this Bible study group. And the long-suffering of the life of a Christian hey man.

Randy - Pray for; families salvation, Scott's ministry, Cameron's salvation and help, nephew Bradley for protection and guidance and to come home safe from overseas deployment in the army, guidance, and discernment from the Holy Spirit, Chaplin Marrandino for help and protection and thanks for Roberta for her salvation.

George - I pray that one of my homesite addresses will be approved. I parole out date is 02/22/2019. Pray that my daughter, Karen, breast cancer will cease to be. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. I also pray for all the addictive people Kelvin, Destiny, and Cameron.

Wesley - Pray for my family to have everything God would want Him to have allowed them to have and to Thank Him for everything that they get and to get a visit from my family or friends this holiday time. Thank you.

A. C. - Almighty Creator, bless this day given to us from your breath of life. Thank you for your son, Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross. Lord, I ask you to bless the men here at Dixon and also Scott and his family. I ask you my lift heart of judgment I hold him and may I be Your light for the ones who need You that I hold judgment over. Please, watch over my wife and kids, may they be kept out of harm's reach. I pray this in the name of our Lord Jesus, amen!

Bruce - Glory, be all to you father God, thank you so much for your mercy and love, You have given to all of your children's Abba Lord I thank you, I adore you, I love you so much. Today I come to you, for encouragement and prayer. Our Father you are up in heaven, Your will, forever and ever. Father, I know that I have sinned a lot this year not terribly yet I did sin, I ask for your forgiveness, and I repent my sins and ask for forgiveness and know that my heart, soul belongs totally to You. You gave Your life for all our sins, and it is my duty, responsibility to obey You and Your righteous walk, talk of faith action so that I may be an image of you for the world to see you through me. I love you, Lord. Your precious son.

Aaron - Abba Father, Lord, I pray that as we come back to work with the temporary chaplain that we can get things restarted in Your will for the moving of your Spirit in this place. I ask that You will continue to use me to glorify You in this place and into the future. Please impart Your knowledge and wisdom upon me so that I can responsibly continue to in my academics to do all things to glorify You only. Use me to be a light to some who are lost, a help to those who need some leading and a tender teacher (with fear and trembling) to some who are interested in learning Your ordinances, truths, and statutes for obedience in their lives. Please don't let me grow weary in my studies and fall short of Your will for my life. In Jesus name, Amen.

George - pray that Dixon C. C. We'll get a full-time chaplain.

Wayne - Please pray that I am given the proper help to deal with my sciatic nerve problem. Thank you.

Sheridan Correctional Center Afternoon

John A. -Bless my family with good health and prosperity. Help me with my anxiety and depression. God, please keep me on the right path. Please take care of my mother up there. Let her know that I am really sorry for everything and that I love her. Please bless me with the dismissal of my warrant. Help me, please!

No name - Requesting prayer for controlling my anger in forgiving others and myself. I also like to pray for guidance and protection from God. Thank you!

Gregory - Prayer for my family and friends and my kids and myself.

William - I would like to pray for all the families on this Thanksgiving. Pray that they are safe and full of grace on this holiday!!! I would also like to pray for good-time.

Brother Jeffery Ray - We thank you Lord for blessing us with the trials and tribulations of life that you Lord strengthen us to overcome. Lord, we do ask Your forgiveness, and we also forgive too. Our prayer for those who do not serve You that their eyes and ears open to see and here in the Spirit and give their lives to You for the face grace knowing the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Lord touch their hearts and souls for the Spirit to flow within them. I ask for the love of You, Lord, to fill us all and to continue serving Your will in our lives. Thank you and praise You in Jesus name. Amen, amen, amen.

Jason - I would appreciate prayer for God to bless those who are in a position of authority over us, to have this institution run safe and efficient with care and compassion for those of us locked up. I am also supposed to be released in approximately two weeks. Please pray for God’s safety and blessings over my family and me. Thank you, Scott and Roberta, and may Jesus bless you both. Amen

Luke - I hear we're going to be in for some may be bad weather. I asked the Lord to hang out in the passenger seat adds it is the first year my daughter will be driving in the snow. Please keep her safe.

Paul - I would like prayer for my wife, family, friends, and enemies. Pray for provisions, health, peace, and mercy. Pray for Scott and his family, His son Cameron. In our Savior's name, I pray Amen

Sheridan Correctional Center Evening

Derek - please pray for my wife Davina, daughters Bella and Jenna. That they know, I love them that I may see them soon as I haven't over at 1 1/2 years. For my daughters to be safe and excel in school. For my wife not to have to work 15 hours every day. For my 85-year-old mom to be blessed as she cares a lot for Ella. And me also! For all my family.

No name - Pray for my one-year-old daughter and her mother have a safe and happy holiday season. Layla and Lacey are their names. Thank you.

Christian Living: Malachi Dads - The Heart of a Man

Dixon Correctional Center

Lewis - I recently moved to housing units. That has been a huge blessing. It's much quieter and more peaceful. I also got to see Winnie the Pooh last night. It was wonderful. My outdate is fast approaching. I get out on March 7, 2019. I am maxing out I have no one there for me nowhere to go. I am tired of being homeless and all alone. I need a hand up not a handout. Thank you may God bless you always. I have two children Tiffany who is a grammar school teacher and KEYN who is four years old. I do not know if you do one of them, this is because of their mothers.

Christian Living: Malachi Dads - Family Restoration

Sheridan Correctional Center Early

Solomon - My name is Solomon. My girlfriend's name is Angela. I appreciate all the love and prayers. My girlfriend is struggling on the outside with me gone. She said two back surgeries and is now having pain return. Her old job is not welcoming her back, so she has been in a financial struggle, definitely with me gone. Please pray for her health and to find understanding on what to do to help with pain is not to have another surgery. Also, a financial blessing to help with the struggles! Blessing thank you very much!

Derrick - Prayer request for me. Pray to God for my kids, family, friends and kid’s mothers to forgive me. I need direction and guidance as well as strength. I also pray for everyone! Thank you.

Aaron - please pray for the health and peace of my mother. Also, for me to have an understanding of my studies and build faith. Thank you!

David - Pray for my civil case against a lady that caused me to crash a bike and break my leg and tore my right shoulder. Thank you. God bless.

David - Pray for Sheridan to get a Chaplin, for my family's peace in relationship with Christ and their health. Pray for me to get into school and or get an industry job, this would get me good-time to get home to my kids sooner. Thank you. God bless you too!

James - Pray for my baby mama and daughters to get things together for my homecoming! Pray for my sister Jamika's health and that things go well for me to parole there without problems! Pray for my Aunt Leatrice's health; also she makes back two Pine Bluff Arkansas well. Pay for my wife Marsha's health, and she gets on her feet to get right for my homecoming!

Kevin - Need prayer for patience, forgiveness, love, staying focused on God, a nice place to live, a safe place, recover from my past, new relationships, sponsorship, jobs, education, a loving church to attend, my kids, grandkids, sisters, brothers, my angry frustrations, confusion, hatred, envy, addictions, PTSD.

Frank - I asked for my kids, wife, and family. I asked for prayer to let go of my past and help me to think better, take away my negative thoughts. Let me serve God wholeheartedly. I want to get closer to God and find my purpose in life. I want to become a better husband, father, and son and brother man all over. Doesn't have the desire to serve God take it away. Pray for the prisoners here in Sheridan and every institution. Thank you and may God continue to bless you.

Allen - May you continue to pray for us as a whole and that we continue to do good and productive in light of and may the good Lord strengthen my relationship with my fiancé and may you pray for the sick, the rich, poor, the homeless as well as our enemies and may you pray that the good Lord calm down the violence in these streets as well as consoling the hearts of those who lost someone today thanks hey man.

Robert - I am a participant at Sheridan C.C. Malachi Dads class. Please pray for me to be more patient. I tend to let others stupidity affect me with negative responses to them, causing hardship. Also, prayers for my health and that of Grannie Loretta.

Cello - Hello my name is Cello. I would like for you to pray for me. I'm going through some health problems right now. I asked that you pray for my family and me! Thank you. God bless.

Sheridan Correctional Center Late

No name - Just some prayer for the mother of my sons Melanie that she's happy and healthy. She's doing okay in every way. Also, pray that she finds forgiveness and peace in her heart towards me. Pray that she may stop trying to keep my sons away for me. Pray that my sons Mason and Alex Junior are doing good and are happy, healthy and are mentally strong. Also, pray that I may get some type of letter or acknowledgment that they're doing okay. Pray for me that I stay mentally strong and have faith that everything is going to be okay. Also, pray that I get out and stay focused and earn Melanie's trust and respect back or the sake of our sons. Through God everything is possible, we love him, and we thank him. Amen. Also thanks to the people that pray for us with these requests.

Nicholas - I ask the Lord to be with my child (Nova), my child's mother (Hayley), and myself. I pray that we can come together again to be a family. Pray that Hayley gives me and lets me see our daughter thank you. Amen.

Mitchell - it is said that God's peace comes from understanding His divine plan. I cannot find real peace through earthly ways. Lord my request is for the ability to gather an understanding of what your peace will mean and how to put it in effect forever.

Parris - I would like to pray for my newborn son that he is safe. Pray for my family's safety. Pray, I make it home on time get a job and get my CDL.

Thomas - Please pray to get me back in school.

SOCPM Alumni

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 10/2017 thru 11/2018
Paroled 11/13/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 11/2015 thru 03/2016
Discharged 11/14/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon; 09/2016 thru 11/2016

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 12/2013 thru 02/2014
Discharged 11/14/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 07/2017 thru 11/2017
Discharged 11/15/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 01/2016 thru 02/2016
Discharged 11/16/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon; 02/2015 thru 02/2015
Discharged 11/16/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 01/2018 thru 11/2018
Paroled 11/16/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 08/2017 thru 12/2017
Paroled 11/16/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 12/2016 thru 02/2017
Paroled 11/16/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon; 02/2012 thru 05/2012
Paroled 11/16/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 01/2018 thru 02/2018
Paroled 11/016/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 08/2016 thru 07/2017
Transferred Western 11/16/2018

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon; 02/2013 thru 02/2013
Admitted R&CC Stateville 11/16/2018

Wesley Ministries

Illinois River Correctional Center

No prayer requests received from ministry partner.