SOCPM Newsletter | June 05, 2021


Still no definite date when the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC) will fully open up the gates to volunteers. Sadly, as I wait, more SOCPM students become SOCPM Alumni. I've shared it's bittersweet when their becoming Alumni is due to their being paroled; bitter in my losing a person I love, but sweet in their returning to family, friends, and loved ones (in most cases). However, it is quite bitter when they transfer to another facility, which happens regularly. However, this week the news of students becoming SOCPM Alumni was quite bitter. Jesus, a SOCPM student since February 15, 2015, and Rod, a SOCPM student since December 11, 2013, were transferred to Taylorville.

Located a mere 200 miles is a correctional facility SOCPM will not serve on a regular occurrence. I may have an opportunity to partner with New Life Corrections (NLC) in being a volunteer when they do a two-day seminar at Taylorville. I've already contacted Steve of NLC, letting him know of my desire to join his team on their next visit to Taylorville. Steve has a solid connection to Rod, and Rod will likely attend the two-day seminar. I hope to get word to Jesus. It won't be the same as serving in a weekly classroom, but better than nothing. Please keep my seeing Rod and Jesus in Taylorville.

Rod's and Jesus's transfers were not the only sad news this week. I received the death notice of Joseph SOCPM Alum 09/2012 -10/2012. Though a student for a short time. I remember Joseph well. As to his faith that I can't recall with certainty.

Another notice this week was very disappointing then sad. Derek SOCPM Alum 07/2013 - 09/2015 & 10/2018 - 04/2019 is back in custody. This time for a sex offense and facing 15 years. Derek was an attentive student and very consistent in attendance. At that time, Derek's profession of faith being a true saving faith was reasonable. But with yet another offense, and this time a serious one, makes me say the faith he professes is doubtful. Despite the seriousness of his crime, it is at times like this that I could do one-on-one personal visits to share Christ with Derek further. Current IDOC policy forbids an IDOC volunteer from doing visits, even if pastoral. But an incident like this pushes me to pursue asking IDOC for approval to do pastoral visits while still a volunteer. Please pray God's grace and mercy will open a door for pastoral visits.

This week we continued the planned break from the study on the Psalms and sent part 2 of the two-part article, 'Anger Management: How to deal with Anger God's Way.' I felt a leading to send some material on anger after our study Psalm 4:4-5. I typically put the Weekly Note together a few weeks in advance as a proactive measure if something unexpected happens. So, I'm already back to the Psalm study and look forward to sending future Weekly Notes.

I would hope to be back inside Dixon and Sheridan before much longer, definitely before a study on Psalm 150. My dilemma is trying to do both the Psalm study and weekly preparations and the administrative tasks of all five classes SOCPM was doing before the lockdown. 

I'm still praying on the course curriculum for Discipleship. I want to do Revelation, but doing so would mean the same curriculum for a long time. When I first started doing at Sheridan, I had a high dropout rate. Assistant Warden of Programs Johnson gave me some insightful advice from a newbie to stewarding prison ministry back in 2010. She said my first two curricula, both about a year-long, were just that, too long. AWP Johnson suggested an average of 12-weeks was a better approach. She enlightened me that most inmates gt bored with the same curriculum and if there are other options, they quit coming—some of the best advice I've received in stewarding prison ministry. Thus my hesitation in doing what would be a year-long study of Revelation. I'm leaning towards doing Revelation 1-3, with the letters to the seven churches. Please pray for God to give me a sense of peace and an assurance that I'm n alignment with His will for His glory.

This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, — 1 Timothy 2:3 (ESV).

On the personal prayer front, In my last call with Cameron earlier this week, he sounded stressed with starting a new job, dealing with IRS in getting his first stimulus check, and looking for a place to live. His struggle in his search for a place to live is his saying he needs to take Valium. If he chose sober-living, most sites of any quality would consider Valium an illegal narcotic. When it comes to choosing a small studio, his credit rating is in shambles. Please pray God will open a wide door in Cameron's choice. A phone call this Friday was worrisome. Cameron shared some health issues he is experiencing. I asked him if he has a doctor and seen him recently? He said yes to having a doctor, but no to seeing him recently. He said he hadn't seen a doctor because he is scared. I explained that being scared is understandable but does not cure anything, but seeing a doctor, can bring treatment before it is too late. He said he would call and make an appointment to see the doctor. Please continue to pray first and foremost for his salvation, sobriety, that his health issues are treatable, and simply to experience some joy instead of a constant life of trials.

My wife Michelle has been having a hard time remaining focused and concentrating on the level she expects of herself in her work. Please, pray God will bless her with the focus and concentration she can have peace that she meets her employer's expectations. Additionally, she wants to visit her biological father, Pops, in Sayward, BC, this summer, but it may be a requirement to be fully vaccinated to cross the border. Because of potential side effects, Michelle has a history of being that small percentage of individuals with bad reactions to medications, when doesn't want to get vaccinated, but will take the risk if it determines whether or not she can visit Pops. Please pray Canada will open the border without being vaccinated, a requirement for entry.

For me, in addition to the above requests, healthy eating. My latest blood work showed a high triglyceride level, the evidence I'm not doing an excellent job of it. My sweet tooth and crave for foods with saturated fat are my weakness. Please pray I can overcome the rave for those foods that fall into those categories. I desire to share the Gospel with family, immediate and extended but feel challenged to approach without causing a rift. In a conversation outside of my sharing Christ, one family member said he is bothered when someone shoves it down my throat.' Please pray God will show me ways to share the Gospel without causing rifts.

To Him be the glory in ALL things and to Him alone!

Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries

Week 64 of the lockdown 😞.  

COVID-19 cases as of day, 06/04/21; Dixon: staff confirmed 318, staff recovered staff 318, staff current 0, staff tests 13,910; offender confirmed 592, offenders recovered 592, offender current 0, offenders tests 49,481 | Sheridan: staff confirmed 149, staff recovered 149; staff current 0, staff tests 14,067, offenders confirmed 464, offenders recovered 464, offenders current 0, offender tests 20,160 | IDOC: staff confirmed 4,605, staff recovered 4,556, staff current 49, staff tests 272,627; offenders confirmed 10,909 offenders recovered 10,903, offenders current , offender tests 648,091 [1]

The number of COVID cases for Dixon and Sheridan for both staff and inmates is down to 0. The number of cases in all of IDOC are 49 for staff and only 6 for all of IDOC inmates. Praise God!

[1] “COVID-19 Response.”, 04 June. 2021,

CHS - Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations from Clarke, Roy H, editor. The Treasury of David: Spurgeon's Great Commentary on Psalms, by C. H. Spurgeon, 3rd ed., vol. 1, T. Nelson Publishers , 1997 are from the New Geneva Study Bible published by Thomas Nelson, Inc., using the New King James Version of the Bible, ©1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.

FDK - Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations from Derek Kidner, Psalms 1–72: An Introduction and Commentary, vol. 15, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1973) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.

JMB - Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture from James Montgomery Boice, Psalms 1–41: An Expositional Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2005) is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.TM

WAV - Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture from VanGemeren, Willem A. “Book 1 Psalms 1 - 41.” The Expositor's Bible Commentary Psalms, by Tremper Longman III and David E. Garland, Revised ed., vol. 5, Zondervan, 2008 is taken from is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.

WSP - Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture from “Psalm 1.” Psalms: A Critical and Expository Commentary with Doctrinal and Practical Remarks, by William S. Plumer, Banner of Truth Trust, 1975 is taken from the Holy Bible King James Version.

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