I suffered from an episode of dead brain cells Thursday night. I was at Buffalo Wild Wings picking up an order, and as I was leaving, I saw the person standing next to me out of the corner of my mind. I took a couple of more steps and said to myself, is that one of my former students? I stepped back and apologized to the guy for looking at him, but he reminded me of someone. He did, but my mind went blank on his name with the face mask, and me wearing one wouldn't make recognizing me easy. We joked how it is hard to recognize someone these days while wearing face masks.
As I climbed into my car, I was growing in certainty; he was a former student from Sheridan. I was tempted to go back in and ask if he was in Sheridan but decided not to for a couple of reasons. If he wasn't the student, the guy might think I'm a nut, plus he was a big guy. I valued my chicken. And I've made a personal promise if I was ever to meet a former student not to refer to their being in prison to respect their privacy.
Of course, my brain cells kicked in on the way home. I should have asked, 'Does the name Scott from Sheridan have meaning to you?' Once home, I logged into the SOCPM dB. Within seconds I found the student whose name was buried in dead brain cells, Lance. Lance was a SOCPM student from May 2019 until transferring to another facility in January 2020. Was it Lance? I can't say with 100% certainty, but enough certainty if I would have recalled the name would have said, 'Lance?' I don't necessarily have a desire to become buds with former students, but it would be a blessing if I knew they were doing well and if they still were walking with Jesus. They may leave prison and the SOCPM classroom, but they never leave my heart.
This week we took the planned break from the study on the Psalms to send part 1 of a two-part article, 'Anger Management: How to deal with Anger God's Way.' I chose to take the 2-week break after our study on the Psalms was covering Psalm 4:4-5. SOCPM students often come from a culture where anger is prominent in everyday living, and one they'll return to a culture of anger. I felt it a worthy issue to give them some equipping in how to deal with anger God's way.
Part one discussed how anger like other emotions can be used for good or evil and how a person can experience it. Myths about anger, one being it is not always an outburst of screaming and flailing arms. It also covers how anger can affect someone's health, especially if frequent and prolonged. Part one ended by listing several signs of having anger issues.
Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger, and give no opportunity to the devil. —Ephesians 4:26-27 (ESV).
On the personal prayer front, Cameron got a job. Praise God. He is giving thought to delaying a move to Colorado for six months to get himself into a better financial position. Along with prayer of salvation and sobriety pray he continues that line of thought. He went to church last Sunday, it sounded like it wasn't the highlight of his week, but he went and said he might go again. In one of his phone calls, he called me to tell me he was reading the Bible but did not agree with 1 Corinthians 10:13 saying is addiction is more than he can handle. I did my best explaining that we will face more than we can handle, and it's one of the many reasons we need Jesus to help us get through those temptations. I've since found an article that gives a good explanation and sent it to him.
To Him be the glory in ALL things and to Him alone!
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
Week 63 of the lockdown 😞.
COVID-19 cases as of day, 05/28/21; Dixon: staff confirmed 318, staff recovered staff 316, staff current 2, staff tests 13,319; offender confirmed 592, offenders recovered 592, offender current 0, offenders tests 47,919 | Sheridan: staff confirmed 149, staff recovered 149; staff current 0, staff tests 13,475, offenders confirmed 464, offenders recovered 464, offenders current 0, offender tests 29,267 | IDOC: staff confirmed 4,590, staff recovered 4,529, staff current 61, staff tests 262,377; offenders confirmed 10,907, offenders recovered 10,896, offenders current 10, offender tests 632,978 [1]
The number of COVID cases continue to drop statewide. It has been several weeks since the start of controlled visitation, but COVID cases continue to drop. There have not been any 'current cases' at Sheridan since a staff member on May 1st and April 10th for offenders. Endless praises to God! Nonetheless, please continue to be in prayer for ongoing stable numbers and the full return of volunteers soon.
[1] “COVID-19 Response.”, 28 May. 2021,
CHS - Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations from Clarke, Roy H, editor. The Treasury of David: Spurgeon's Great Commentary on Psalms, by C. H. Spurgeon, 3rd ed., vol. 1, T. Nelson Publishers , 1997 are from the New Geneva Study Bible published by Thomas Nelson, Inc., using the New King James Version of the Bible, ©1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.
FDK - Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations from Derek Kidner, Psalms 1–72: An Introduction and Commentary, vol. 15, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1973) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.
JMB - Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture from James Montgomery Boice, Psalms 1–41: An Expositional Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2005) is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.TM
WAV - Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture from VanGemeren, Willem A. “Book 1 Psalms 1 - 41.” The Expositor's Bible Commentary Psalms, by Tremper Longman III and David E. Garland, Revised ed., vol. 5, Zondervan, 2008 is taken from is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.
WSP - Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture from “Psalm 1.” Psalms: A Critical and Expository Commentary with Doctrinal and Practical Remarks, by William S. Plumer, Banner of Truth Trust, 1975 is taken from the Holy Bible King James Version.
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Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
A ministry of Redeemer Fellowship Church St. Charles, IL
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