STUDENT | November 6, 2021

All prayer request with the exception of punctuation are dictated as they were written.

(SP?) Handwriting makes spelling uncertain | (IL?) - Handwriting is illegible

Dixon Correctional Center


No Name: Prayer for Klyne elders. He is suffering from grief and loss; the loss of our mother and his best friend he has seen seem medically dementing, losing his mind.

Victor: Prayer to the heavenly Father that everyone in the world either turns to Christ for the right reasons or eventually does.

Thomas: Dear heavenly Father: please help Kendra overcome an addiction to alcohol and be filled with the Holy Spirit, and be reconciled with her family. Our teenage son Canyon be given the strength to be lifted over his chromosome 22q del syndrome to flourish via God's plan. We thank you, Father, for everything. Bless our fellow prisoners, staff, veterans of Armed Forces, Chaplain, instructors, volunteers, leaders of our great nation, and all of mankind. In Jesus' blessed name, we pray. Amen

Steve:  I, Steve, wish for my youngest daughter Madison be prayed for God to watch over her and help her with her medical condition. Also, pray for my brother Travis for God to watch over him and help him with his medical condition. Thanks.

Juan: Can you please pray for my cousin Ricky? He is having problems with his organs, and he might need to have new organs. Can you also pray for myself? I'm having problems with the lust of the eyes, and I just need the strength to get through these temptation.

Christian Living

Jose: That God reveals my sin to me. Reveal my needs to me

SOCPM Alumni

Soldier of Christ
Dixon: 11/2011 thru 01/2012
Discharged 11/02/2021

Soldier of Christ
Sheridan: 01/2020 thru 01/2020
Paroled 11/03/2021

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 07/2013 thru 09/2013
Dixon: 05/2014 thru 07/2014
Dixon: 05/2015 thru 05/2015
Paroled 11/05/2021

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 10/2015 thru 12/2015
Transferred 11/05/2021

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 08/2018 thru 12/2018
Discharged 11/05/2021

Sheridan Correctional Center

All classes canceled until further notice

Wesley Ministries

Illinois River Correctional Center

Bible Study canceled until further notice