STUDENT | September 24, 2022

Dixon Correctional Center

Christian Living

Anthony: Pray that I will stay busy with good things to be ready to be a helping hand to my family, my wife, her family, and for those, I come across. Pray for Miguel that God would help him to have a strong desire to bring Him glory as a loving son.


Anthony: Pray for me that I don't be confused in my thinking and my choices I make as long if I go to his word when doing so. Thanks, brother; with love.

T. J. (Footsteps): Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you, Father, for all. Our chaplain could use our prayers to overcome overweight issues and be disciplined to have the victory. God bless the veterans of our Armed Forces of the United States. Graham vets have just successfully printed the first IDOC-wide newsletter called Behind Enemy Lines. May God watch over all our leaders and families. Align us to the mind of Christ to bless this great nation. I will thank all the prayer warriors in advance for your mighty service to all of us. God bless us all in the name of Jesus, amen!

No name: Please pray for a great friend of mine that is going through something; just watch over her daughter and hope that she's OK and that my good friend Shawna makes it through her troubled times. Amen

No name:  Pray to and supplicate to the heavenly Father through the name of Jesus the Christ for me to have an extremely fired up heart and mind to read the Bible in order to better know and love everything that God the Father is made than desiring for me to learn about Him and my own self.

Sheridan Correctional Center

Christian Living Early Class

Quarantine Lockdown - Class canceled

Christian Living Late Class

Quarantine Lockdown - Class canceled


Quarantine Lockdown - Class canceled

SOCPM Alumni

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 02/2020 thru 03/2020
Discharged 09/20/2022

Soldier of Christ
Dixon: 05/2016 thru 07/2016
Dixon: 12/2016 thru 05/2017
Dixon: 07/2018 thru 12/2019
Transferred 09/21/2022

All prayer requests with the exception of punctuation are dictated as they were written.

(???) - Handwriting of a word is UNreadable | (SP?) Handwriting makes the spelling of the word uncertain.