Week 19 of the lockdown đ.
There is still one inmate case of COVID-19 at Sheridan. Also, on a down note, Dixon is showing itsâ first cases of COVID. Three staff members have been diagnosed with COVID, but two have recovered. Please keep the two current cases of COVID in prayer for a full and quick recovery and that no new cases occur.
I have my office back, actually the whole house, as the replacement of all the flooring is completed. There are still a few tasks of unpacking and putting things in their proper place, but for all practical matters, it is done. Michelle and I took this opportunity to do some major decluttering. I took two full loads in our SUV to Goodwill. I'm certain after we do the last couple of boxes I'll have another, but smaller load for Goodwill. But bottom line the floors look nice and so do our decluttered closets, bookshelves and under the beds đ.
This weekâs Midweek Message was âWhy You Stink at Evangelism.â Pastor Joe Thorn gives 10 reasons why we may fall short in our calls as Christians to evangelize and share the hope we have in Christ. The message may be convicting to some, I being one, but Joe stated an upcoming message will give some insight on how to overcome some of the ten reasons some Christians fall short in the call to share the Gospel.
As always I thank you for your continued prayer. Some of you have shared how the messages have been fruitful for you as well, that is a big encouragement to me. Thank you!
To Him be the glory in ALL things and to Him alone!
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
Weekly Message
Wednesday, July 2, 2020, Why You Stink at Evangelism - Joe Thorn
Most Christians find evangelism to be scary and donât share the Gospel. A Lifeway study found 80% of evangelical churchgoers who went to church at least once a month thought it was their responsibility to tell others about Jesus. But 61% said they didnât share the Gospel in the last six months. While few seem to practice evangelism, itâs the responsibility of Christians to share this good news with the hope that one day they will believe. Why? We probably arenât good at it. 10 reasons why you might not be good at evangelism
1) You doubt God. You doubt God can use you. You have in your mind put He is impudent to use you because you are so inadequate that He couldnât possibly overcome your shortcomings. We donât tell others about Jesus because we donât think weâre very useful, we also think in-part God wonât do a thing. So maybe you stink at evangelism because you are doubting a God who is sovereign and uses crooked sticks to draw straight lines all the time. He uses imperfect people to share a perfect Gospel message
2) Because youâre afraid. Because you are baring your own heart, soul, love, a dependency on Christ, but youâre confronting someone else with their sin and their need for redemption. You canât share the Gospel without telling someone theyâre broken, incomplete, they need to be forgiven cleansed and reconciled to God. There is the potential for pushback, ridicule, you may receive hate. As followers of Christ, we should be learning to deal with fear. We have recognized there are certain things in life that are going to cause trepidation but God calls for us to move forward and to do what is right, means we step into that fear and do the right thing. Weâre called to a place of courage. What is the worst that can happen if you share the Gospel? The question you have to ask is, is the worse that can happen worth the risk?
3) We wonât take the risk. We donât want to risk losing a relationship of a person you know, respect, and. Youâre one of the few Gospel voices in their life, you recognize if I share the Gospel, their need for Jesus to repent, and believe it could damage the relationship. But if you donât risk the relationship then how are they going to know they need to repent and believe and find Godâs grace? You have to believe itâs worth the risk. If I donât tell them theyâre not going to hear, and if they donât hear they canât believe. So we take that risk to share the Gospel graciously, because the fear, is worth someone coming into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
4) We simply arenât looking for opportunities. Some of us are so dialed in on our own life, we miss otherâs needs, which should awaken within us an impulse to tell them the answer to our most dire needs. We may be accustomed to viewing our faith as something private, while personal it isnât meant to be private. Everyone needs to hear this. Opportunities are different for everyone. Some people are extroverted and willing to get into the fray, other people are introverted theyâre shyer. An easy opportunity for one is difficult for someone else. If somebody asks you about your personal life, this is an opportunity to share the things that bring you the, most joy, that leads us to the Gospel.
5) We do not make time for strangers. We are focused on something else and rationalize, God will use somebody else. Iâm denying a person to hear the hope of the Gospel. Take the initiative to meet people, make time for conversations, listen to what other people are going through, try to understand them. We donât make time because weâre busy with church, private affairs, weâre not present in the community God has sent us. Join a club, a softball or bowling league, a book club, or gym. Find a place where you can share the Gospel. Be friendly, smile, let someone go first, introduce yourself, practice hospitality. Invite outsiders into your home treat them with grace and kindness. This is an environment where you can tell people about yourself, your story, and your Savior.
6) Youâre not praying for the lost. If youâre not praying for the lost, youâre probably not looking or seeing opportunities. Youâre not telling people about the most pressing needs in their lives; guilt, sin, redemption, eternal life. Pray for the lost. Make a list of their names, keep a journal, keep it in your phone. Pray for the lost you donât know, neighbors, co-workers, people you yet donât have a relationship with. Pray God would open a door for you to share what your hope is. Pray for courage, boldness, and the words to say.
7) We have lost the joy of our salvation. Spiritual coldness and apathy are reasons in not sharing the Gospel and are most commonly connected to a loss of interest in the Gospel. The joys of salvation are linked to an awareness of our sin and Godâs grace. An understanding of our guilt, Godâs love, justification, sanctification all are graces we experience. You are thrilled by these and should want to share it with others. Part of the problem with a spiritual coldness and apathy is a disconnect between us and the means of grace which are the constant reminders and instruments God uses to stir us up and sanctify us. Means of grace meaning prayer, the reading of Scripture, corporate worship, the Lordâs Supper.
8) We are simply confused. What to share, say. We should know the answer. We preach Jesus. People get sidetracked and preach moralism, self-improvement, we focus on peopleâs sin and our message is to clean up their life, do better, they never get to the Gospel. Sometimes weâre not clear on what we are to say were confused about how to share the Gospel. Theyâre not trained in how to approach people and share the Gospel. In a later video, we are going to talk about that. It isnât as complicated as most people think. sharing about our sin & Godâs love & Christâs sacrifice & the call to repent & believe.
9) You lack compassion. People are living lives in which they are ignorant of their maker and their God-given purpose in life. Theyâre living under the weight of their guilt and the reality of their condemnation, and are running toward hell. What is compassion? Christian compassion is a love for your neighbor. How can we not tell others about this good news that saves? Penn Jillette a famous magician & an outspoken atheist was given a Bible, he appeared to be genuinely appreciative. In a bit of a rant, he said âif you really are a Christian and you think Iâm going to hell then I expect you to try and proselytize to me to try and convert me.â Penn understands that if you believe this compassionate, loving thing to do, is to invite them into the joy, the salvation, the life you now have in Christ.
10) You have forgotten or neglected your calling. Evangelism is not the job of missionaries, ministers of the Gospel, or pastors. It is your privilege as a Christian and it is your calling to be an ambassador of Christ. To testify to the Savior who rescued you from sin, death, and hell. Passages like Acts 1:8 and others like it is not limited to the apostles but all of Christâs disciples. This is something the church is called to do collectively. We donât do this on our own strength. We have the power from the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. We testify, tell the truth. of what we know, what we experienced, declaring the truths of Scripture that God is Holy and humans are wicked. But Godâs loving and He extends grace to us and invites us into a kingdom in which we are not only reconciled to Him but to each other and in which we share in the Spirit our sins forgiven and we have eternal life. Our calling is to be the witnesses of Jesus in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth.
We share these not to have you feel bad, or to beat ourselves up but because we need to recognize what is holding us back. Let me encourage you to Pray for the lost you know donât know look for opportunities face that fear, step out, take a risk, and share the Good News that God loves and saves sinners like you and me.
Dixon Correctional Center
Class canceled until further notice
Sheridan Correctional Center Afternoon
Class canceled until further notice
Sheridan Correctional Center Evening
Class canceled until further notice
Christian Living
Dixon Correctional Center
Class canceled until further notice
Sheridan Correctional Center Early
Class canceled until further notice
Sheridan Correctional Center Late
Class canceled until further notice
SOCPM Alumni
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 07/2018 thru 12/2018
Paroled 07/20/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 01/2018 thruv03/2018
Discharged 07/20/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 02/2019 thru 12/2029
Paroled 07/20/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 05/2016 thru 07/2016
Discharged 07/20/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 06/2018 thru 08/2018
Discharged 07/21/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 12/2013 thru 07/2014
Discharged 07/21/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 07/2013 thru 10/2013
Discharged 07/21/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 10/2017 thru 08/2018
Discharged 07/21/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 11/2017 thru 07/2018
Discharged 07/23/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 07/2017 thru 12/2017
Admitted Stateville NRC 07/23/2020
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 05/2019 thru 03/2020
Paroled 07/24/2020
Wesley Ministries
Illinois River Correctional Center
Bible Study canceled until further notice