STUDENT | July 06, 2024

Dixon Correctional Center

Christian Living

Class Canceled - Schedule to Resume 07/09/24


Class Canceled - Schedule to Resume 07/09/24

Sheridan Correctional Center

Christian Living Early Class

No Name: pray for my family, everyone here in Sheridan, and in the world for peace, trust, faith, and belief. And pray for everyone's health and to go home soon. Thank you! And God bless you

Christian Living Late Class

Tyronn: I am asking for prayers for my niece. She is having open-heart surgery, asking that everything goes well.


No Prayer Requests were Submitted

SOCPM Alumni

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 05/2016 thru 12/2019
Paroled 07/01/2024

(???) - Handwriting of a word is UNreadable | (SP?) Handwriting makes the spelling of the word uncertain.