STUDENT | August 13, 2022

Dixon Correctional Center

Christian Living

Michael: Peace and love for the entire world. I'm praying for freedom. I'm in hope of a better understanding of life all around in general. Praying that family and friends pay for this lawyer to assist me with my freedom. Praying that Dixon gets more officers so we can have more yard and gym. Last but not least I'm praying for my family to be safe. Amen.

Anthony: That the next stage in life would be soon and getting out. As well my wife would get a hold of me in the coming days. Tell Him I'm thankful for His favor! As well that I thankful for all that I ask Him according to His will is all set and finished by faith. My heart desires have been met. Praise God when two t??h ???? it is done.


TJ: Dear heavenly Father, thank you, praise the Lord and give us the strength, courage, fortitude to preach your word. So help us, Father. Many blessings to all whom watched over us. Watch over all our veterans and bless their families. Hoorah! Thanks, in Jesus’ all mighty name, amen.

Sheridan Correctional Center

Christian Living Early Class

No prayer requests were submitted.

Christian Living Late Class

No name: heavenly father, please pray for peace, love, humility, understanding and a hedge of protection for all of your children and the ones still lost. Amen.


No name: I would like to send special prayers up for peace, love, and harmony. Prosperity, positive prosperity, faith, and finally, true love for the Father. Thank you.

Ian:  Please pray for me that I stay sober when I leave in 30 days, so I don't OD and pass away. ☹️

Brandon: Cheryl, Pete, Jessica, Dave, Sharon, Oliver. Thank you.

SOCPM Alumni

Soldier of Christ
Sheridan 08/2009 thru 07/2010
Sheridan 02/2018 thru 03/2019
Transferred 08/09/2022

New Life Corrections
Big Muddy River: 05/2012
Paroled 08/10/2022

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 01/2015 thru 02/2016
Paroled 08/12/2022

Wesley Ministries

Illinois River Correctional Center

Bible Study canceled until further notice

All prayer requests with the exception of punctuation are dictated as they were written.

(???) - Handwriting of a word is UNreadable | (SP?) Handwriting makes the spelling of the word uncertain.