STUDENT | June 4 2022

Dixon Correctional Center

Christian Living

Intercession for the problems I've been having with my cellmate. They are severe and very tense. I may learn how to fully surrender to God and submit to His will fully and completely. That this justice system would conform to the mercy and true justice of God. That I and all my brothers and sisters in Christ may be light in the world to repel and defeat the darkness of the world, the violence, the immorality, the hate, etc.


No prayer requests were submitted.

Sheridan Correctional Center

Christian Living Early Class

Class Canceled

Christian Living Late Class

Class Canceled


Class Canceled

SOCPM Alumni

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 12/2016 thru 09/2017
Paroled 06/01/2022

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 10/2021 thru 11/2021
Paroled 06/01/2022

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 01/2020 thru 03/2020
Discharged 06/03/2022

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 09/2019 thru 03/2020
Discharged 06/03/2022

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 08/2009 thru 07/2210
Sheridan: 09/2018 thru 03/2219
Discharged 06/03/2022

Wesley Ministries

Illinois River Correctional Center

Bible Study canceled until further notice

All prayer requests with the exception of punctuation are dictated as they were written.

(???) - Handwriting of a word is UNreadable | (SP?) Handwriting makes the spelling of the word uncertain.