
I apologize for the ??? in Wesley's Dixon Discipleship prayer request. Wesley had poor penmanship and spelling. I make corrections, as I do all submitted prayer requests, however in some instances, as is the case with this week's request from Wesley, where some of the penmanship and or spelling is too difficult to decipher. In those instances, I will use (?) individual letters and (????) for words too difficult to read.

Sadly only two students turned out for Malachi Dads by the half-hour mark, and due to the low turn out, I decided to cancel the class. Apparently, the class time conflicts with commissary which an inmate cannot, so it pretty much makes it mandatory unless they are willing to miss out on the very two-week opportunity to shop.

The afternoon session of Discipleship also was canceled when Sheridan went on a temporary lockdown. Thankfully I was able to have the 5:00 class where we commissioned in prayer three patrolling students.

To Him be the glory!

Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries

Discipleship - The Holiness of God & His Attributes

Dixon Correctional Center

Randy - Family for reconciliation and salvation; a permanent chaplain here at Dixon; Nephew Bradley deployed overseas in the military for protection, guidance, and come home safe; salvation for the lost here at Dixon; guidance and understanding to all COs, Wardens here at Dixon so they may find wisdom and peace.

Richard - I have been having a problem with sexual sin and need prayer for strength to resist this temptation. Thank you, and God bless you.

A. C. Heavenly Father, thank you, Lord, for the breath of life. Thank you for all the provision providing for us here. Please bless my family and keep them safe and healthy. Please be with Scott and his family. May they be blessed in all the ways they need. I pray that You help me continue being a beacon of Your light for my wife and my kids so that they may stay close to You. In Jesus name, amen!

Wayne - Lord, thank you for brother Scott. Please keep them safe, healthy and well as he continues to love and serve You here at Dixon and Sheridan. He has blessed me a great deal of the time I have been in his class. And I have learned a lot. He is making a difference! Keep them safe during his travels. Please give his wife a good job soon. And be with his son. May he stay sober and develop a good relationship with You. In Jesus name. Amen!

Wesley - Pray for my mom Lisa she is having back pain and hand pain. Her back is making it hard for her to breathe and she is having a hard time sleeping due to her hands My dad Doug's doing that he will be able to stay in the home when I get out, that I will get a wild(?) itch?) (???) him out I (??) him have a peace that he will not go anywhere ever. And pray for my friend John's family as he passed away February 13 in a crash fiery on the way to a tractor pull meet in his semi truck and pray for me to stay in Christ in my new building and through all the trials and tribulations. Pray that I can get a visit on my birthday on May 18.

Sheridan Correctional Center Afternoon

Class canceled, scheduled to resume March, 22nd.

Sheridan Correctional Center Evening

Bro. Jeffrey Ray - prayer for the families who have lost loved ones. Lord thank you for all blessings of love that you have for us in the spirit. Lord, we have hope and healing you provide we have pain in our lives. The understanding that the flush is temporary in our spirit is everlasting with you our Lord and Savior. Lord, we pray that the wife and two children of the officer who died in Rockford find forgiveness for the man who took the life of their father and husband. We ask you, Lord, to lay your love that has no limits and is on conditional upon the hearts of the family, friends, and community. Lord, you have a purpose for all as we pray to you and your son's holy name. Amen amen amen.

Alex - Just want some grace and mercy from the Lord that he may put some peace and forgiveness in the mother of my sons, Melanie's heart towards me. So that I may have a chance to be in my sons' lives and show that I can be the father that I know God wants. So pray for Melanie and her pregnancy that everything goes good with that. Also, that her relationship is going good and that my sons Mason Alex Junior are happy and healthy. Most of all some prayer for me that I continue to get better every day. That I continue to get closer to God and that I do his will in life and what He has in store for me. God bless and amen.

Aaron - I would like prayers for my brother Philip. He is a homeless alcoholic for the last 20 years and in poor health. I have seen the desire in him for Christ, and we need to pray that he will come to salvation and become a new creature in Christ. Thank you so much!

Christian Living: Malachi Dads - Family Restoration

Dixon Correctional Center

Class canceled, scheduled to resume March, 20th.

Christian Living: Malachi Dads - The Heart of A Father

Sheridan Correctional Center Early

Aaron - please pray for my studies to go well in school and for me to have an understanding in my Bible studies. Pray to the Lord opens up doorways for me to find a mentor in Christ and fellowship in the church.

Frank - I need prayer to let go and be slow to anger. Also, letting go of selfish ways and being disobedient to God's word. I want to be able to pray more, read more, help others more. I need prayer letting go of my sinful desires. I want to receive the Holy Spirit my faith strong and let go of guilt and shame. Also, thank you for continuing to pray for me. I need to be sanctified and be strengthened in staying focused in the word

Frank - Please pray for my children, their mothers and family also my family the people incarcerated in hospitals, homeless and in those countries having problems. I need help with letting go and letting God take full control. I need prayer for me and my cellmate to help each other go in the Word I need understanding God’s word, and when he talks to me, also I need prayer for patience, humbleness, and submission, fasting. I want to be delivered from my sins.

Dwayne - I pray you to be by my side every step of the way lord thank you God for letting me see another day. I pray I get visit Friday my family and loved ones coming. I am almost home. I pray you don't let men get in the way lord. I pray for me ??????? start coming so I can go early to my kid, Lord.

Solomon - Please pray for my family and me to grow closer with/to God. Also, health and safety(Angela, Izabella, Kailyn, Derrick) prayer for Angela to find a good reliable babysitter for kids so she doesn't miss work. Pray for Izabella to overcome her anxiety and with school work and to be more active. Thank you all for your prayers it is much appreciated God bless!

Sheridan Correctional Center Late

William - I would like to pray for my family and that my letters be blessed and touch the hearts of the readers. Thank you, and God bless.

Byrant - Father God, God of Israel, through trials and tribulations I am forever condemned. I am born in sin, and the only way to pardon my sin is to pursue a relationship with Jesus Christ. Father, I pray for e Your wisdom. Enable me to show my love to Jesus through my mind, heart, strength an soul. For this is the greatest commandment of all (Mark 12:30)

Bob - Please pray to relieve me of these flulike symptoms and the help of Grannie Lauretta.

Bro. Jeffrey Ray - I give thanks to the Lord Jesus for all blessings. Lord the day is blessed by you, and I praise you for your son, Jesus, laying down his life for all of our salvation. Lord, I thank you for the prison ministry and all who do Your will for prisoners. I pray that you bless those doing Your will with the strength of love for prisoners, sick, homeless and lost in sin. Lord, I ask you to bless Scott's family. His wife with employment opportunities and his son with love of Jesus in his life. May Brother Scott be at peace in the enjoyment of his time in Florida and traveling grace for him. In Jesus holy name Amen

SOCPM Alumni

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan 10/2014 thru 12/2014
Sheridan; 07/2017 thru 12/2017
Admitted R&CC Stateville 03/02/2019

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 01/2016 thru 11/2016
Discharged  03/05/2019

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 06/2016 thru 02/2017
Discharged  03/05/2019

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 12/2013 thru 12/2013
Transferred Shawnee 03/05/2019

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 03/2018 thru 02/2019
Paroled  03/06/2019

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 01/2016 thru 10/2016
Paroled 03/06/2019

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 01/2016 thru 05/2017
Admitted Stateville NRC  03/06/2019

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 05/2016 thru 05/2017
Paroled 03/07/2019

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon; 05/2015 thru 07/2015
Dixon; 01/2016 thru 03/2016
Dixon; 07/2018 thru 12/2018
Discharged 03/08/2019

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 07/2013 thru 11/2013
Paroled 03/08/2019

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 01/2018 thru 01/2018
Paroled 03/08/2019

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon; 10/2014 thru 10/2014
Discharged 03/08/2019

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 08/2017 thru 11/2017
Paroled 03/08/2019

Wesley Ministries

Illinois River Correctional Center

No prayer request received from ministry partner