I apologize for not sending the Alumni prayer request last week but I was out of town with Michelle and very dear friends Ray and Luanne. Prior to leaving, I committed myself to spending the five days in fellowship and not do anything prison ministry.
I'm the type person if I do a small task as sending out just Alumni prayer request my eyes would fall upon another 'quick task' and then another and another and so on.
I did have a blessed time. It was the best few consecutive days I've had in a long time and am thankful God provided the means.
To Him be the glory!
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
Discipleship - Defending Your Faith Part 2
Dixon Correctional Center
Class scheduled to resume June 6, 2018
Discipleship: Is Genesis History?
Sheridan Correctional Center Afternoon
Class scheduled to resume June 8, 2018
Sheridan Correctional Center Evening
Class scheduled to resume June 8, 2018
Christian Living: Malachi Dads - Psalm 1
Dixon Correctional Center
Class scheduled to resume June 6, 2018
Christian Living: Malachi Dads - The Heart of a Man
Sheridan Correctional Center Early
Class scheduled to resume June 8, 2018
Sheridan Correctional Center Late
Class scheduled to resume June 8, 2018
SOCPM Alumni
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 12/2017 thru 05/2018
Paroled 05/14/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 08/2015 thru 12/2015
Admitted Stateville R&CC 05/14/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 05/2015 thru 07/2015
Discharged 05/14/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 05/2016 thru 05/2016
Discharged 05/15/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 05/2016 thru 09/2016
Notified Deceased 05/15/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 02/2017 thru 12/2017
Transferred Dixon 05/15/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 07/2017 thru 12/2017
Paroled 05/16/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 10/2015 thru 12/2015
Admitted Stateville R&CC Paroled 04/26/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 09/2017 thru 04/2018
Transferred East Moline 05/16/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 07/2017 thru 07/2017
Transferred East Moline 05/16/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 08/2016 thru 07/2017
Admitted Stateville R&CC 05/17/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 01/2015 thru 02/2016
Discharged 05/17/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 11/2017 thru 12/2017
Paroled 05/18/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 02/2018 thru 05/2018
Paroled 05/18/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 11/2011 thru 02/2012
Discharged 05/21/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 12/2012 thru 08/2012
Discharged 05/21/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 01/2018 thru 04/2018
Admitted Stateville R&CC 05/22/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 12/2016 thru 05/2017
Discharged 05/22/2018
New Life Corrections
Transforming Incarcerated Dads
Jacksonville: 12/2011
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 01/2016 thru 03/2016
Admitted Stateville R&CC 05/22/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 01/2015 thru 01/2015
Admitted Stateville R&CC 05/23/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Dixon: 05/2015 thru 05/2015
Admitted Stateville R&CC 05/24/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 08/2009 thru 07/2010
Admitted Stateville R&CC 05/24/2018
New Life Corrections
Transforming Incarcerated Dads
Southwestern Illinois: 10/2012
Admitted Stateville R&CC 05/25/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 08/2009 thru 07/2010
Paroled 05/25/2018
Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan: 10/2014 thru 12/2014
Paroled 05/25/2018
Ministry Partners New Life Corrections
New Life Corrections
Dixon Correctional Center
No prayer request received from ministry partner.
Wesley Ministries
Illinois River Correctional Center
No name - For my dad to come to the Lord.
No name - For my family and friends that God would watch over them,
that He would guide and direct me in His will and that my
mother and sons will be ok.
No name - For my family to come to Christ and for my brother to get
his life together.
Steven - Thank you so much for your praying for our Wesley family, here
in prison, pray that I get into programs for early release, I need work release so I can get back on my feet, caring for my family
as I should. I've been in prison 32 years, and no place to go and my family is gone now.
thank you
Shaun - For my wife and our four kids to be safe and blessed with the knowledge of Christ.
Ronnie - Keep me and my daughter and her little ones in prayer.
Enrique - That I grow stronger in the Lord.
No name - For all inmates, my family and that I will always walk in Christ.
No name - For all the victims of school shootings, for their knowledge of Jesus love and peace in their hearts.
No name - Please pray for security staff here, our families, friends, all the senseless violence out in the world today that are tearing families apart.
For me to grow in the knowledge of Jesus and that I surrender all to Him
and I lift up my family too.
in Christ name