A very special and personal prayer request; Tom Beatty a man I consider friend, mentor in prison ministry and a brother in Christ has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. He personally has found peace. In his words 'The doctor says 6-10 months. God says I have eternal life.' He has asked for prayers for his wife Laurie, reconciliation among. his children in family relationships but most importantly their reconciliation with God

To Him be the glory
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries

The Gospel in Knowing Christ Jesus & All That He Did

Dixon Correctional Center

Juan - Protection of family and increase in faith.

Ignacio - Please pray for the health, happiness and safety of my family; Ignacio, Enrigueta, Koleen, Antonia, Anthony, Veronica, Peter and Libby plus kids, and Gobridl. Please pray for my healing, forgiveness, perseverance and continued spiritual journey.

Jesus - Pray for my little boy Gavin, his mother has put him in a treatment center.

Sheridan Correctional Center Afternoon

Michael - Please pray for my family's health and happiness. Please pray that during my incarceration, I can grow as a person and become the man that I need to be.

Jason - Please pray for my mom. She has been diagnosed with cancer of the brain, lung and bone. She recently came to Christ and as a believer. Thank you for your prayers.

Joseph - Please keep my wife in prayer. She goes for surgery on May 25th to have some of her colon and intestine removed. Please pray that the surgery can be done without her having to wear a bag post surgery. My wife's name is Tracy. Pray that God oversees the whole process. Thank you, amen.

Sheridan Correctional Center Evening

Martin - I want to thank God this week for all my blessings and joy that I continually receive, so thank you Lord.

Isaac - Pray for my release that God will make provisions. Pay for my sister Tyiai that God continue to bless her, so she can be a blessing to her family and others. Pray that God reveal my purpose and calling that I will have in my community.

Curtis - Please pray for me that I allow the Holy Spirit to come into me, dwell in me, take root in me, to lead me, to give up my control and to allow God to walk with me down His path, not mine. Please pray that I continuously seek God's word. that I stay hungry to do His will. Amen, thank you.

Christian Living: Renewing Fatherhood

Dixon Correctional Center

No prayer request submitted (1 student got pass, a praise for that).

Sheridan Correctional Center

Edward - I need prayer for my son and me to be together. Thank you.

Will - Pray for my son and fiancé.

Larry - Please pray for me and my family.

Stephen - Please pray that I speak more, pray more to the Lord and bring Him more into my life and learn to depend on Him more. Please pray that He blesses and is with our families and that God blesses my sentence. Thank you and God bless you.

Dwayne - I would like to pray that my wife stay strong for herself and our children, that God stays by her side and keeps her head strong. Thank you.

Michael - Could you please pray for me to be reunited with my daughter and granddaughter. It's been 26 years since I left her. Please God if you can make it happen.

Donald - Pray for me financially, pray for me to proceed in civil cases. That God sends speedy help to me. Also on direct appeal case to hear information back. Help me to get a mentor when I parole January 10, 2017. Get back three days from time spent in county jail. Also help me find a halfway house to live for one year to get back on my feet, pay my debt so I can shop and buy soap. I owe restitution fees.

Ricky - My prayer request for the week is to ask God my Lord and Savior is to show me guidance and how to stay on the right path to bring my marriage back together to make it strong and to keep away from all the negative things that are going to come my way. Help me stay focus on change, regaining control over my life and you keep my family in good health and keep me in my family safe. Amen

SOCPM Student Alumni


New Life Corrections
Taylorville; 04/201 thru 06/2015
Admitted to R&CC Stateville 05/12/2016

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 10/2012 thru 07/2014
Transferred to Graham 05/18/2016

Soldiers of Christ
Dixon; 10/2015 thru 12/2015
Transferred to Vienna 05/18/2016


Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 12/2011 thru 12/2011
Paroled 05/18/2016

New Life Corrections
Pontiac MSU; 06/2013
Paroled 05/19/2016

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 11/2015 thru 11/2015
Paroled 05/20/2016

Soldiers of Christ
Sheridan; 01/2016 thru 05/2016
Paroled 05/20/2016


Soldiers of Christ
Dixon; 01/2016 thru 02/2016
Paroled 05/20/2016

Ministry Partners

Wesley Prison Ministries @ Illinois River Correctional Center

Cecil - For my family to accept Christ help and learn to serve Him and that God will be glorified thru my life.

John - For both of my elderly parents, for healing of their eyes and bodies, for sister Alice @
my church and for my wife.

Morris - For coerces to be broken on my family, for my sister and mother to be filled w/
Holy Ghostand for healing of our nation. thank you

Larry - For my family back in Chicago, for health and safety and for my release on 5/27.

Jonas - For all those hurting and those who have done evil to me. that the Lord keep me strong and my eye's on Jesus.

Scott - For knowledge, strength and wisdom in Christ, for those lost in our inner circle here in
prison. for me to be healthy.