“Brother Scott Kalas, I just wanted to thank you, for your work in the Lord. May 2014 was when I started your classes, I was not sure what I was looking for, but I knew something was missing and that I was far from God’s reach. I made a profession of faith in the past where I was told to repeat a sinner’s prayer then I was told I was saved. As you know it wasn’t until I read “Holiness of God,” that I saw how unclean, undone and broken like Humpty Dumpty. That’s when I confess I was a sinner in believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. That is the best thing that’s happen to me this incarceration, God loves me. The last 30 months wow, I can’t even begin to explain the joy and peace that I have today. Your class helped me in so many ways, at the beginning how does He know? Your class on prayer was awesome and at the same time Mt. Zion sends me a study on the call to prayer. You think God was telling me something? But most of all was your sincere, honesty, comments and your love for your class. You were not scared to share and I lot of things we all could relate to. As I look back I feel like Timothy when Paul filled him with all this doctrine, why we believe what we believe. It has been an honor to study under you. To all your supporters I would like to extend a grateful thank you, for without them you probably would not be here and I would tell them thank you once again so very much. If I never see you again I will see you in heaven and every time I read the book of Timothy I will be for you and your family. I think I have three years parole, so when all is done I would like to visit your church. Well my brother I love you in Christ”