SOCPM Inside the Prison Gate: Certificates, Bonus programs, and more Victor questions.
SOCPM Outside the Prison Gate: God's timing on clergy visits
On the Home Front: A finish to a challenging read, but looking forward to an enjoyable read.
On the Prayer Front: All things family, SOCPM, and more
These are the topics for this week's SOCPM Newsletter. I hope you enjoy it, despite my lack of an editor. Michelle would like to edit my newsletters (I think she has a deep-seated desire to be an English teacher with a red pencil in hand), but her work voids the time.
To Him be the glory in ALL things and Him alone,
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
SOCPM Inside the Prison Gate
The two Dixon classes, Discipleship - What Does Revelation Teach Part 1 and Christian Living - Malachi Dads: The Heart of a Father, have finished the planned curriculum. SOCPM distributed ten certificates in Discipleship and seventeen in Christian Living. The curriculum may be complete, but classes will continue until the Sheridan classes complete theirs. The scheduled date, barring lockdowns and other cancellations, is September 23.
In the interim, we'll have bonus classes at Dixon. I've not finalized the curriculum for those classes, but in Discipleship, we will review and discuss the 35 questions in Ligonier's Statement of Theology survey, which the guys have completed over the last few weeks. The review will include Ligonier's scripture supporting their answers. The first week was a fun experience. Not only was it an excellent time to discuss, but it triggered student questions or requests on various topics.
Victor requested several, including the Doctrine of the Trinity, the Person of the Holy Spirit, where heaven is and the metaphysics of heaven, and a comparison of what other religions believe. In addition, Victor and another student Stanley want to know if there was rain and rainbows before the flood. I don't think many weeks have gone by where Victor has not asked similar questions. I'll already have some articles in the SOCPM library, but I like the challenge of finding the answers.
SOCPM Outside the Prison Gate
I mentioned in SOCPM's last news; letter about my getting approval for clergy visits at Kane County Jail. God, as no surprise, timed it well. Unfortunately, Peter, a former student in early 2016, is in Kane County with a new offense. Through a previous connection with Peter, after his last discharge, I've come to know his father. I contacted him this past week asking if he would like me to visit Peter, and he said yes. I plan to arrange a visit with Peter before his next court date on August 26.
Sadly, I also received notification that another former SOCPM student, Aregenis, is in Kane County. Aregenis was a SOCPM student when the COVID lockdown began but was paroled in June 2021. His next court date is August 18. I plan to attend and, through his lawyer, ask him if like a clergy visit.
On the Home Front
My time doing SOCPM administration tasks has limited my hobby time to mostly reading. My most recently finished non-mystery book was 'Not a Chance,' by R. C. Sproul and Keith Matheson. It was an insightful book. However, it was heavy on philosophical logic, causing my brain to do some spinning 😵💫. My next read is going to be 'R. C. Sproul - A Life' by Stephen J. Nichols. My decision to choose it as my next non-mystery read came after my friend Tom Schmidt shared he was reading it. R. C. was the theologian who has most impacted me in my Christian growth. I've had it in my library for a while but just haven't gotten around to reading it. Thanks for the prompting, Tom.
On the Prayer Front
Cameron - Cameron's roommate relapsed, creating another 'crisis' moment for Cameron, who cried this latest crisis isn't his fault, forgetting dear old dad's advice, 'don't room with someone you meet in rehab.' Pray for him, his former roommate's permanent sobriety and God will draw Cameron and her to Him and show them their need for him not in words but their hearts. He still has several health issues that still need treatment. Health insurance issues are stumbling blocks and causing delays. Please pray God will remove those roadblocks.
Michelle (aka my lovely bride) - Her knees have had some minor flareup the past two weeks. Please pray the flareup subsides. She also experienced some vertigo, which, praise God, has diminished. Please pray it doe not come on again. Praise, despite her RA flareup, she has been able to do her nightly walks with minimal pain. Pray God gives her insight and stamina as her work team installs a new upgrade. She remains in God's Word.
Self - Praise; my colonoscopy and EGD results show no significant concerns. I was previously diagnosed with Barret's esophagus; please pray it does not become an issue. I experienced a mild case of the symptoms that resulted in my hospitalization last December. Please pray it is not an indication of a repeat. The fundraising efforts have come to a lull. The primary reason is that CGs are taking breaks due to summer vacations or have been unable to schedule a date. Please pray the fundraising will resume before I lose heart. I plan to contact a few other churches asking permission to make a presentation to their church family. Please pray I get a favorable response.
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Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
A ministry of Redeemer Fellowship Church St. Charles, IL
You can support SOCPM by clicking here