SOCPM Inside the Prison Gate: At long last, both Dixon and Sheridan in the same week!
SOCPM Outside the Prison Gate: I just might reach the SOCPM fund raising goal!
On the Home Front: A small hornet in the window, a big pain in the back
On the Prayer Front - All things family, SOCPM, and more.
These are the topics for this week's SOCPM Newsletter. I hope you enjoy it, despite my lack of an editor. Michelle would like to edit my newsletters (I think she has a deep-seated desire to be an English teacher with a red pencil in hand), but her work voids the time.
To Him be the glory in ALL things and Him alone,
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
SOCPM Inside the Prison Gate
I'm finding comfort in doing SOCPM fundraising. I've done three presentations, and after each one, I'm growing in confidence. All three have been with my church, Redeemer Fellowship's community groups. I have a fourth one scheduled for next Thursday, July 21st. I've sent an e-mail requesting a date with the remaining five groups, but no dates have been planned with those groups. It was a big encouragement to have one couple inform me they will become SOCPM ministry partners. Praise God!
Others may hopefully become SOCPM ministry partners and may not have informed me personally or are still seeking God's will. Nonetheless, God has given me the needed boost to have already contacted one of Redeemer's church plants about doing presentations in his church.
SOCPM Outside the Prison Gate
This past week I received a message via LinkedIn where the sender was promoting their book. I initially thought I had enough books, not interested, but this message was from Stanley Ratliff, an individual I first met in my earliest days of prison ministry. Stanley has quite a story, hence the book 'A North Lawndale Journey of Faith.'
When Stanley and I first met, we hit it off, and anytime I was in North Lawndale, a day with Stanley and his wife Antoinette was a delight. However, God called me to steward SOCPM, so my visits to North Lawndale became rare, and Stanley left the staff of North Lawndale Church. We crossed paths occasionally, but even the occasional crossing of paths vanished like the mist.
Needless to say, I ordered Stanley's book and replied to his message asking something to the effect. Hey, any possibility you can intercept the order and send me, the white guy with no rhythm, (an inside story of my being captured in a video of a worship service Stanley was leading. If you know me, ever saw me attempt to clap to the music, you are probably chuckling) a signed copy?
He replied, how about we get together, and I'll bring you one? So, yesterday it was a joy for us to reunite over lunch at the Portillo's in Downers Grove. After a warm embrace and trying to recall the last time we crossed paths at least ten years ago, we shared what's happening in our lives currently.
Our fellowship included a topic that is a burden in both our hearts—the racial hatred in our current society. We agreed that the evil one gives voice to the extremes on both sides that spew anger and hate about the differences that cause division. However, it is a joy when we instead focus on the differences as the beauty of God's gift in creation in the uniqueness of our different cultures.
Yes, each culture has things that may not be the norm for one, but until we know the culture, we can't see the beauty of our unique cultures. Stanley shared that he and a group of men meet from different ethnic backgrounds once a month to discuss finding the common and learning about the uniqueness of our cultures. I don't know what the focus will be, but I'm looking forward to joining the group soon.
I joked with Stanley that just before I left my house to meet him, I was browsing my library for my next read for my downtime while inside the gate when it dawned on me that I was on my way to get the next book, A North Lawndale Journey of Faith.
On the Home Front
So, what is this bit about a hornet resulting in my missing Dixon and delaying my return to Sheridan? Bit of a silly story, but on Tuesday, July 5th, while I was working in my office, I saw a hornet buzzing around in my office window.
It was buzzing in one of the upper corners behind the blinds, so there was no easy way to get to it with a swatter, so I got some insecticide. One of those kills on contacts types, well, it didn't kill this guy on contact. I had to spray a reasonable amount, and it still showed signs of life when it fell to a place where I could grab it with a paper towel. I took it outside and shook it out.
However, now I had a bunch of insecticide running down my office window. So I got a bottle of glass cleaner, climbed up on the top of my desk, and had most of it cleaned when I turned in a way my back didn't want me to turn. I even heard a slight crunch as I got that shooting pain in my lower back. I finished cleaning the window, but I was in severe pain. I've had back pains before, but I don't recall ever having pain as intense as this.
I did the heat ice treatment, but I knew it would not improve things. So, I called and left a message with my chiropractor, Dr. Hattar, to see if she could get me in ASAP. Next, I called the Chaplain at Dixon, informing him I would not be coming to Dixon the next day (Wednesday). Thankfully Dr. Hattar called Wednesday morning and said she could squeeze me in at 10 AM. he and her staff were great, but though it was less painful, I was moving very slowly. I had hoped I feel much better on Thursday, but despite the ongoing heat treatments and Teyenols, I was still in enough pain late Thursday that I left a message with Sheridan Chaplin McClmans; I needed to cancel Friday's planned return.
As much as I did not want to cancel, God gave me the clear wisdom that it would be a foolish mistake for me to try to go and have to carry two heavy packs of material.
I returned to Dr. Hattar Monday, and after my second treatment, I was much better. Still, some pain, but the pain was something I could endue going to Dixon on Wednesday and return to Sheridan yesterday (Friday).
Now, wasn't it worth the wait to read the why? 😏🤨😴
On the Prayer Front
Cameron - I found out the new phone number Cameron's mom gave me was incorrect, but she texted him to call me. However, it was a discouraging call. Per Cameron, and I don't take in all he says is all true, but there have been no further steps in getting the medical care he needs; he was cursing the doctors and had nothing positive to say. There was more, but please pray for him. I'm also struggling in wanting to have phone calls with him when he speaks incoherently. I'm not sure if he is doing it on purpose, which he has done in the past for drama. In short, prayer for salvation, permanent sobriety, wisdom, medical treatment, and a halfway decent phone call to exchange words of encouragement between a father and son
Michelle (aka my lovely bride) - Praise her knees are still pain-free; she has not experienced any swelling. Herr not having the pain and swelling has allowed her to start taking regular walks. She remains in God's Word.
Self - Praise I'm back in Sheridan; SOCPM has a new ministry partner. Pray for a pain-free back. I can resume walking on the treadmill without back pain. Would you please continue to pray for my confidence and encouragement in my SOCPM fundraising efforts and there are significant strides in reaching SOCPM's fundraising goal. Pray there are no further lockdowns or cancellations for the next ten weeks allowing this current term to conclude and begin the next term
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Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
A ministry of Redeemer Fellowship Church St. Charles, IL
You can support SOCPM by clicking here