SOCPM Inside the Prison Gate: It's back to quarantine lockdowns and trusting in God.
SOCPM Outside the Prison Gate: Plenty for me to do despite the lockdowns and staying connected to the Davids.
On the Home Front: The smell of grilling burgers has returned
On the Prayer Front - All things family, SOCPM, and more.
These are the topics for this week's SOCPM Newsletter. I hope you enjoy it, despite my lack of an editor. Michelle would like to edit my newsletters (I think she has a deep-seated desire to be an English teacher with a red pencil in hand), but her work voids the time.
To Him be the glory in ALL things and Him alone,
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
SOCPM Inside the Prison Gate
This week started with a positive feel to it. God started giving me some ideas on how to fill the curriculum gap when Sheridan reopens and Dixon is nearing if not already completed 'What Does Revelation Teach Part 1' and 'The Heart of a Father.' When I shared the ideas with my guys at Dixon this past Wednesday, they were encouraged. We had some excellent classroom discussions after the teachings. Things were looking positive.
Then, I read the e-mail from Dixon Chaplain Thomas when I got home, "At 3:30 pm today the announcement came that Dixon Correctional Center is again on Full Medical Quarantine. All programs are suspended until further notice. No volunteers will be allowed to enter." (emphasis not added).
Talk about a sweet day going sour. So what's a person to do? Thankfully, we can read God's Word for those who have put their faith in trust in Christ.
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:38
Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Romans 12:12
As for you, brothers, do not grow weary in doing good. 2 Thessalonians 3:13
God then brought me to 2 Timothy 4:5 As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.
What's there to fulfill when Dixon and Sheridan are on quarantine lockdown?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. Psalm 32:8
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105
SOCPM Outside the Prison Gate
With my inability to get inside the Gate, I'll be spending more time outside the Gate.
I mentioned the SOCPM library of articles is a labor of love. So, I'll give more time to organizing and expanding the library. For example, Anthony, a SOCPM Malachi Dad student (only four weeks), had questions about Jesus being the second Adam. I found three articles and 100 verses through on 'What Does the Bible Say About 'Why Christ was Called the Second Adam.' A quick scan of the 'Keywords' folder shows 3,175 files. The SOCPM database shows I've entered 486 records thus far. So, there alone, I'll be pretty busy.
I still have several other projects; fundraising, Clothes Closet, Church Connect, and more to keep me well occupied. Discerning God's will on how to est glorify Him is my challenge.
I received another letter from my Pen Pal David in Huntsville, TX. He shared the sorrowful news that his mother had died. From his previous letters, he mentioned she was a believer. I've never personally endured the trial of losing a loved one while incarcerated. Still, I imagine it hasn't to be one of the most challenging trails one can endure while imprisoned. Quite often, if not most times, the prisoner can't attend any services. Even if they are shown compassion and allowed an opportunity to attend, they will not have any interaction with family or friends. They must grieve for the most part on their own. Please pray God strengthens and draws David closer to Him during this trial.
I hope God used me in a small way. David was originally from Chicago and asked me if I could get him some pictures; his high school, a couple of grammar schools, the Dan Ryan expressway, and the railroad tracks across the street from where he lived. He lived in the Robert Taylor Homes, which he knows are long gone, and the Brown's chicken.
Thank God for Google Earth and Google images. Using these two tools, I sent David pictures of his schools, several of the Dan Ryan, and the railroad tracks. I included current aerial and street shots of where the Robert Taylor Homes once stood and some file images of Robert Taylor buildings. I'm not sure if I found his actual building, but it would be a blessing to know God provided in a way only God can in those I sent. The Brown's Chicken is gone too. The closest one I could find was in Evergreen Park, but hopefully, it will bring back the memories he seeks.
Another David, my brother in Christ in Uganda, asks for prayers for Prossy, a sister in Chrsit, Prossy had been in prison for six years and upon coming home found her home is collapsing.
Prossy, her children, and her home.
Please pray for Prossy, her children and her home. Unfortunately David is still in a need for a printer that will allow him to print off Bible study lessons for those he serves in is prison ministry. Please pray God will provide David a printer allowing him to bless the prionses with Bible lessons to foster theri growth in Christ. If you feel God may be leading you to help David in obtaing a printer, please contact me by reply to this newsletter or via SOCPM's website.
On the Home Front
Michelle and I've been in our new townhome for eight months already, and each month we feel God's blessings that much more.
Michelle and I bought a patio table and chairs. So, we've been spending some time outdoors getting fresh air. The privacy is not ideal, but it's more suitable than many other places, like a prison yard. I cooked some turkey smoked sausage on the grill and now have another favorite meal. My mouth waters for a nice rib-eye steak, but the cost of one dried up the desire real quick. So, I'll settle for burgers and smoked turkey sausage. Those two items alone are more mouth-watering than anything my guys get in Dixon or Sheridan.
My walking on the treadmill continues, as does the consuming of smoothies with spinach. I've attended a few men's breakfasts with men in my community and social gatherings that consist mostly of couples; Michelle is working when they occur. Without in-depth personal conversations, I think I've identified some possible Christian couples. One of the men I've talked with shared that his dad used to do prison ministry. I plan on attending 'Life Group.' It is a Bible study, and per one of the ladies at the social gathering, they're doing a study on Galatians. So, I plan on checking it out.
I finished reading John Calvin's 'A Guide to Christian Living'; it was a quick read, being a small book. I've got my thoughts on several books, but the subject I'm leaning towards is creation and or the debunking of evolution. I have a few in my library, but I'm open to suggestions, but keep in mind small print and heavy on academics don't go well with my eyes and brain cells.
On the Prayer Front
Cameron - In my last phone call with Cameron, he shared his numerous health issues in more detail. He has four that have the doctors most concerned. A couple will require minor surgery, but Cameron has never had surgery before. He did when he was a baby but, of course, has no recollection. So, Cameron is anxious. I'm humbled that he called and shared all of this with me. He usually keeps me out of the loop.
Nonetheless, there is much prayer needed on Cameron's behalf. Praise his boyfriend, Hunter, who is there to be supportive and has been blunt in telling Cameron not to lie to the doctors. The relationship is sin, but God can use all things for His glory. Please pray for Cameron to find comfort in God. These surgeries will result in Cameron missing work and losing income. Please pray this lost income will not result in Cameron facing eviction from his small studio apartment. Pray for his salvation and permanent sobriety.
Michelle (aka my lovely bride) - Praise here second gell injection for her knees went well. However, despite the draining of her knees to reduce swelling, the swelling is already returning. Her doctor wants to increase the dose of the medication, but it can have a negative effect on her liver enzymes. Pray by God's grace and mercy, the swelling stops, and she will not need to have an increase on the medication. Also, please pray the physical therapy she is doing will help with the overall condition of her knees. Also, pray for her discipline in reading and studying God's Word.
Self - Praise for God's many blessings; home. Michelle, our church family, continued discipline in three 30-minute walks on the treadmill and smoothies; Victory over my unhealthy snacks and sweets. I know and discern God's will on how to glorify Him best as I go through the lockdowns. Trust, motivation, and confidence in my SOCPM fundraising. My brother Dwight is visiting this weekend. Please pray for opportunities to show him God's truth and his need for a Savior.
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Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
A ministry of Redeemer Fellowship Church St. Charles, IL
You can support SOCPM by clicking here