SOCPM Newsletter | August 7 2021


Another whirlwind week, but more hands-on busy than breaking news. The condo, the townhome have been bought, all on paper, and closing dates are on the calendar. Now, the not-so-fun tasks of moving begin. We don't move until September 10th, but with a ten-day vacation in the middle, there is much packing before moving day.

The part of my office that was part bedroom is now packed and ready-to-go storage central. I can't even count the number of boxes packed and boxes yet to be used. All I do know is, except for those few essentials items, my office and the office closet are packed, including my humongous cabinet, which stored everything from office supplies to books to just stuff.

I've been shopping for appliances, but the most crucial task when moving is finding good places to eat in the new locale. We're moving to North Aurora, so please let me know if you have any suggestions for the following: Thai, Indian, pizza, chicken wings, Chinese, Mexican, and a good coffee shop.

The tasks are many, but the good blessings of God are more!

Wondershare found a resolution to the technical issue in putting the finishing touches on 'What Does Revelation Teach? It required buying a subscription to one of Wondershare's other software products, but it is a cancel anytime subscription, so once I've completed the burning of DVDs, I'll cancel. So, as I'm writing this paragraph, I'm burning week 2 of a so far total of 25 weeks to DVD. I've completed 16 weeks of the thus far 25 weeks of teaching notes.

Sheridan's classes begin this coming Friday, and Dixon's classes will start on September 8. My time slots at Sheridan are the same, but Dixon moved my first class at Dixon has been moved from 9:30 to 8:30. So, barring any unforeseen issues, I'm good to go.

However, because of a week's delay in starting at Sheridan, a vacation week, and the moving day being on a Friday, I've decided to postpone the start of 'What Does Revelation Teach' and 'Malachi Dads Psalm 1: The Blessed Man' to the start week of Dixon. The postponing will help me in not having to deal with teaching two different class sessions every week.

I'll have a couple of Voddie Bauchman teachings for the Fatherhood classes in place of the regular curriculum. I'm still deciding what material I'll offer in the Discipleship classes, but I'll offer a few suggestions and go with a consensus in the orientation class.

I'm really excited and looking forward to returning to the classroom. Unfortunately, most of my students at Sheridan and a few at Dixon have been paroled, but it will be a joy to see those students returning and meeting new students. Would you please pray everything goes smoothly upon my return to Sheridan? Please pray we have a good discussion about all that's transpired since March 13, 2020? Would you please pray God will be glorified?

The Weekly Note Psalm study was Psalm 6:1-5. David feels overwhelmed, 'Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am languishing; heal me, O Lord, for my bones are troubled. My soul also is greatly troubled. But you, O Lord—how long?' (vv. 2-3). James Montgomery Boice, in his comments, writes, "What have I done to cause this?" you are asking. "What can I do to make things right again?" 

My son Cameron often shares his going through one unending trial after another feels the way David did in our phone calls. I try to explain to him that his difficulties are because he trusts others and depends upon himself. He needs to put his trust in God. Trusting God does not mean saying a prayer and expecting God to bring resolve miraculously. Yes, he needs to pray but not just asking God to bring it to an end, but ask God to show you what actions you brought on this trial. What changes in your life does God want you to make? What is God trying to teach you? Finally, have you truly put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ? Do you still read your Bible even when you're mad at God or only when life is good? 

It's led to some good discussions, but thus far, Cameron, I don't see a heart of salvation in Cameron. So would you please pray God will finally break his heart stone to a heart of flesh?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6

SOCPM's ministry outside the walls had another opportunity to serve someone. Dan, a man I met a while ago, was interested in getting involved in jail or prison ministry. But, unfortunately, unexpected happenings in Dan's life resulted in him having to put those plans on hold. But, this week, Dan sent me an e-mail saying he is at a place where he's ready to pursue jail or prison ministry try.

I told him of possible opportunities with New Life Corrections of Wayside Cross. They do two-day seminars in prions all around teh state. I also mentioned Master's Touch. A program also of Wayside Cross that houses a lot of men paroling from prison. They have volunteers who mentor the men.

He gave me his address, and I found the mileage and travel times to several county jails. I sent him the county jail info, and he replied McHenry and DuPage would be good options. So, I sent an e-mail to Anne of Willow Creek's Jail/Prison Ministry to ask if she has the current volunteer contacts for DuPage and McHenry County Jails. She did and forwarded them to me, and I, in return, forwarded them to Dan. Dan said he would contact them.

SOCPM looks for opportunities with other ministries, especially jail/prison ministries, to support each other. Would you please pray Dan finds a serving opportunity that brings teh joy of serving to him, and his serving brings glory to God?

Another praise God! It appears Cameron has found a room to rent. In exchanging texts messages with his mother on another matter, she told me he did find a room. I last talked to Cameron on Wednesday afternoon and, Cameron mentioned he would be looking at a place that night. So, I'm assuming that is the room he is renting.

Would you please pray the person he is renting from will be a good landlord and Cameron and hm get along well. As always, would you pray for his salvation, praise for his staying sober during this trial, and for continued sobriety?

Michelle and I need prayer for the buyer of our cond, Matthew, to be willing to delay his taking occupancy until our closing on the townhome. Would you also pray for us putting all the logistics in place for getting fiances together for our purchase? Finally, would you please also pray we will get the help we need to clear out our storage units, packing up our condo, and everything else related to our moving?

Gosh, my newsletters are getting long. I'm not sure if that is good in that God is using SOCPM for his glory in many ways or bad in subscribers or not reading the newsletter because of the length. If you are reading, thank you. If not, I understand and apologize for the length.

Week 73 of the lockdown 😞.  

COVID-19 cases as of day, 07/23/21; Dixon: staff confirmed 320, staff recovered staff 319, staff current 1, staff tests 15,026; offender confirmed 592, offenders recovered 592, offender current 0, offenders tests 49,481 | Sheridan: staff confirmed 154, staff recovered 151; staff current 3, staff tests 15,314, offenders confirmed 464, offenders recovered 464, offenders current 0, offender tests 32,376 | IDOC: staff confirmed 4,749, staff recovered 4,662, staff current 82, staff tests 292,512; offenders confirmed 10,945, offenders recovered 10,923, offenders current 22, offender tests 675,450 7

The numbers increased slightly again. Staff only at Dixon and Sheridan. However, both staff and offenders statewide. I'm assuming it is the Delta-variant. Please pray this Delta-variant does not result in reinstating a lockdown.

1 Psalm 5:11-12 ESV - - Bible Gateway,
2 C. H. Spurgeon, The Treasury of David: Spurgeon's Great Commentary on Psalms, Clarke, Roy H, editor. 3rd ed., vol. 1, T. Nelson Publishers , 1997, 28-29.
3 “100 Bible Verses about Comfort.” What Does the Bible Say About Comfort?,
4 “COVID-19 Response.”, 6 August. 2021,

CHS - Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations from Clarke, Roy H, editor. The Treasury of David: Spurgeon's Great Commentary on Psalms, by C. H. Spurgeon, 3rd ed., vol. 1, T. Nelson Publishers , 1997 are from the New Geneva Study Bible published by Thomas Nelson, Inc., using the New King James Version of the Bible, ©1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.

FDK - Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations from Derek Kidner, Psalms 1–72: An Introduction and Commentary, vol. 15, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1973) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.

JMB - Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture from James Montgomery Boice, Psalms 1–41: An Expositional Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2005) is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.TM

WAV - Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture from VanGemeren, Willem A. “Book 1 Psalms 1 - 41.” The Expositor's Bible Commentary Psalms, by Tremper Longman III and David E. Garland, Revised ed., vol. 5, Zondervan, 2008 is taken from is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.

WSP - Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture from “Psalm 1.” Psalms: A Critical and Expository Commentary with Doctrinal and Practical Remarks, by William S. Plumer, Banner of Truth Trust, 1975 is taken from the Holy Bible King James Version.

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