A very Happy 4th of July to you! Michelle and I typically don't do any personal celebration, but we can see several fireworks shows off on the horizon for our balcony. Unfortunately, however, they are far off, and we can't hear any of the booms. Nonetheless, we both are blessed by God that we live in America. It may not be a perfect country, but it's a great country.
A July 23rd return date to Sheridan? I hope and pray that will become definite. It was the date I gave Sheridan Chaplain McClimans when I received a surprise e-mail telling me Sheridan will be opening soon and what date would I think I can return? July 23rd is a Friday, the day of the week I was serving. I also requested the same time slots; Malachi Dads 8:30 - 10:00 and 10:00 - 11:30 and Discipleship 1:30 - 3:30 and 5:00 - 7:00. I hope to me with the Chaplain on July 17th. I'll need to get an updated picture ID and to discuss and changes to volunteer policies.
I haven't received an e-mail from Dixon Chaplin Thomas requesting or stating a definite return date. However, he did share in his most recent e-mail hopes for a return in August. Chaplain Thomas from Dixon shared in an e-mail, maybe August.
Would you please pray the Sheridan July 23rd date becomes a reality, that I'll be able to get the same time slots and return date to Dixon with the same time slots?
When IDOC does lift the lockdown, I'm pretty confident I'll present my church Redeemer Fellowship's teaching series Revelation in the Discipleship classes. The only reason I can see for change is if IDOC puts in place a new policy prohibiting volunteers from bringing in DVDs. I don't see that as a strong possibility, but still, God is sovereign, and there can be a host of other reasons my plans can change. My serving in the prisons is His purpose; I am only His servant (Ephesians 2:!0 2 Timothy 1:8-9). There will be more details for prayers as teh return date approaches. But for now, would you please pray that I'll still be able to bring in DVDs and that I can get everything completed for a smooth return
I sent an e-mail to the Chaplain at Robinson Correctional Center asking him if he could reach out to Jong Lee (Dixon 01/2016 - 03/2020), who was transferred to Robinson on June 24th. My hope is Jong will get a message that it was a blessing to have him as a student; I will miss him, and I hope he continues his walk with Christ. Would you please pray the Robinson chaplain will reach out to Jong, aka Bum, and deliver my thoughts?
The Weekly Note for this week was on Psalm 5:4-5. In my greeting to the students, I mentioned a quote by Charles Spurgeon on verse 4, ‘Rest assured, Christ will not live in the parlor of our hearts if we entertain the devil in the cellar of our thoughts.’ As I said to them, I can give an appearance of godliness to those around me. But if I in my inner soul harbor thoughts of sin and do not have any desire to search myself (Psalm 138:23-24) and to hate the evil and sinful thoughts within me, Christ is not in me. Spurgeon mentions In verse 6. I also need to examine myself and confirm Christ is in me (2 Cor.13:5). Despite the negative things that I can associate with COVID, through His grace, He has opened my heart and eyes ever more for my need to seek Him and know my purpose is not to shelter in our ever evil growing world but to persevere, to live out 2 Timothy 4:1-5, be steadfast in His Word; He will protect me and know He is coming soon! (Rev. 3:10-11).
Search me, O God, and know my heart!
Try me and know my thoughts![a]
24 And see if there be any grievous way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting!
Psalm 138:23-24 (ESV).
On the prayer front, Cameron, as of this writing, still has no new pace to live and still hasn't received his stimulus check. In my latest phone call Thursday, Pastor Grady, his former youth pastor, now a pastor in Maricopa, AZ., has put Cameron up in a hotel, but that can only be for a couple of days. So, after salvation, I ask for prayer that Cameron will find a long-term place to call home, remain sober, and continues to search God's Word.
No updates on Michelle's health concerns while she and I wait for her MRI. The retirement of her manager Kathy was this past Wednesday but there no announcement of a new manager. Please pray when the person is named, Michelle will be pleased, and the new manager will allow Michelle to continue to work from home. I have an ultrasound scheduled for my kidneys and bladder on July 15th and an appointment with a nephrologist on August 5th. In addition, I have an appointment with my urology surgeon on July 19th. Would you mind praying the ultrasound and doctor appointments to point to my prostate surgery as the cause for the lab work that raised concerns initially?
Week 68 of the lockdown 😞.
COVID-19 cases as of day, 07/02/21; Dixon: staff confirmed 318, staff recovered staff 318, staff current 0, staff tests 13,910; offender confirmed 592, offenders recovered 592, offender current 0, offenders tests 49,481 | Sheridan: staff confirmed 149, staff recovered 149; staff current 0, staff tests 14,791, offenders confirmed 464, offenders recovered 464, offenders current 0, offender tests 31,462 | IDOC: staff confirmed 4,640, staff recovered 4,613, staff current 27, staff tests 284,269; offenders confirmed 10,919 offenders recovered 10,914, offenders current 5, offender tests 662,298 [2]
The number of COVID cases for Dixon and Sheridan for both staff and inmates remains at 0. The number of cases in all of IDOC among staff and inmates had a slight uptick but for the most part, remain static. Praise God!
[1] C. H. Spurgeon, The Treasury of David: Spurgeon's Great Commentary on Psalms, Clarke, Roy H, editor. 3rd ed., vol. 1, T. Nelson Publishers, 1997, 26-27.
[2] “COVID-19 Response.”, 2 July. 2021,
CHS - Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations from Clarke, Roy H, editor. The Treasury of David: Spurgeon's Great Commentary on Psalms, by C. H. Spurgeon, 3rd ed., vol. 1, T. Nelson Publishers , 1997 are from the New Geneva Study Bible published by Thomas Nelson, Inc., using the New King James Version of the Bible, ©1979, 1980, 1982, Thomas Nelson, Inc., Publishers.
FDK - Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations from Derek Kidner, Psalms 1–72: An Introduction and Commentary, vol. 15, Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1973) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.
JMB - Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture from James Montgomery Boice, Psalms 1–41: An Expositional Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2005) is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.TM
WAV - Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture from VanGemeren, Willem A. “Book 1 Psalms 1 - 41.” The Expositor's Bible Commentary Psalms, by Tremper Longman III and David E. Garland, Revised ed., vol. 5, Zondervan, 2008 is taken from is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society.
WSP - Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture from “Psalm 1.” Psalms: A Critical and Expository Commentary with Doctrinal and Practical Remarks, by William S. Plumer, Banner of Truth Trust, 1975 is taken from the Holy Bible King James Version.
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Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
A ministry of Redeemer Fellowship Church St. Charles, IL
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