SOCPM Newsletter | February 27, 2021


I'm back in synch with Weekly Notes and the SOCPM Newsletter. This week's Weekly Note continued with our study of the Psalms and a focus on Psalm 2:7-9. There were several good comments by the commentators of our study on Psalms. But I will share my thoughts only on two. 

Charles Spurgeon (CHS), writes 'The Anointed One holds aloft in that one pierced hand, the scepter of His Power... when the rod of iron is in the hand of the omnipotent Son of God, they will be dashed to pieces like a potter's vessel. And once dashed to pieces, potter's vessels are not restored. The sinner's ruin will be hopeless, if Jesus breaks them. [1]

James Montgomery Boice (JMB) writes, 'Verses 8 and 9 have special bearing upon our obligation to tell others about Jesus Christ today... Here is the great missionary challenge of the church. It is for us, the grateful subjects of Jesus' divine kingdom, to make his name known among the nations, until every ear shall hear and every knee shall bow. [2]

I struggle when it comes to my obligation to share about Jesus Christ, especially with family. I don't want to encounter rolled eyes or possible estrangement, but do I grasp the consequence of my struggles? Once they die, they will be dashed to pieces! They are in ruin and without hope! The conviction on me and my thoughts of 'I'll share the next time we talk,' was and if there is no next time? One is sure to come.

 Another sad note on a SOCPM Alumni, I received notice this past week that Thomas Vaughn died on January 21st. Thomas, age 40, was a SOCPM student from November 201 to October 2018. Though only God knows one's heart, I'm reasonably confident that Thomas's profession of faith in Jesus Christ was saving faith. He would often talk of children, his son Lucas and daughter Baily. Thomas received three certificates in SOCPM's Malachi Dads program. He also received an additional three certificates in SOCPM's Discipleship program. 

 Significant praise, my son Cameron remains in sobriety! I had several phone calls with my son Cameron this week as he continues to try and put his life in healthy order, despite some of life's struggles. In my last call with him, he shared despite Arizona's unemployment telling him they've approved his unemployment, the payments remain on hold. Please pray they release his unemployment funds. Not having any money is his most significant stress. But he is proud of his acceptance by Grand Canyon University. His 'dream' is to obtain a Bachelor's degree in drug counseling and eventually a Master's, all online. It is quite a challenge for almost anyone, but a massive one for Cameron. But I'm encouraged by his ambitions. Please pray he overcomes the many challenges and temptations to quit pursuing his dream. An interesting side note, while researching GCU, I found it identifies itself as a Christian college with a biblically rooted mission. I don't know if Cameron is aware of this, but please pray it is a means of God's will to draw Cameron closer to Him. Cameron told me a couple of times this past week he is reading Open Bible. I could write much more on Cameron as my heart yearns for his salvation, sobriety, and now his dream, but is SOCPM newsletter but for all my prayer request for Cameron visit SOCPM's Ministry Prayers.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. (Romans 15:23 ESV)

 A quick note on another prayer request, Michelle and I have decided for me to have HeLOP surgery on my prostate, March 23rd. Despite the surgeon telling me this is a less invasive procedure than my last surgery which resulted in dreadful consequences, the anxieties are present. Please pray I seek trust and peace over these anxieties in God.

 Only 20 days to Spring! 🌻🌞😀

To Him be the glory in ALL things and to Him alone!

Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries

Week 50 of the lockdown 😞.  

COVID-19 cases as of 02/26/21, Dixon: staff confirmed 255, staff recovered staff 251, staff current 4, staff tests 6,075; offender confirmed 579, offenders recovered 578, offender current 1, offenders test 23,617 | Sheridan: staff confirmed 128, staff recovered 121; staff current 7, staff tests 4.844; offenders confirmed 431, offenders recovered 383, offenders current 48, offender tests 14,583 | IDOC: staff confirmed 4,108, staff recovered 4,026 staff current 82, staff tests 102,744; offenders confirmed 10,664, offenders recovered 10,488, offenders current 176, offender tests 322,679. [3]

In my weekly communication with Sheridan's chaplain, McClimans, I asked if he is hearing any rumors about lifting the almost-year lockdown? He replied beginning March 1st, offenders and employees are IDOC is offering the vaccine if they want it. Once they get the second dose in late March, he understands things may begin to start open more. 

Nothing official, but IDOC does have a posting on their website about IDOC administering the vaccine to staff and the incarcerated population.

Please continue in prayer for the lifting of the lockdown. If only for the resumption of visitations.DOC lifts the suspension on visitations and the return of volunteers comes shortly after that

[1] Clarke, Roy H, editor. The Treasury of David: Spurgeon's Great Commentary on Psalms, by
C. H. Spurgeon, 3rd ed., vol. 1, T. Nelson Publishers, 1997, 10.

[2] James Montgomery Boice, Psalms 1–41: An Expositional Commentary (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2005), 26.

[3] “COVID-19 Response.”, 26 Feb. 2021,

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