I received notice yesterday, Wayne, a Dixon SOCPM student since March 2018 and incarcerated since August 5, 1998, had his warrant reversed and set free! Praise God! It is the most joyful news I've heard in some time. Wayne was a great student, as most are, with many names now popping into my thoughts, and I'll miss him. I found a couple of Facebook pages about Wayne and hope to connect with him.
I don't want to stray and make the whole newsletter about Wayne. So I'll end on Wayne and my's friendship on a fond memory. Wayne and I disagreed on several theological positions, but we would have friendly and respectful discussions. We would spend only a few minutes out of respect to the rest of the students and return to that day's teaching. With love, I would say to Wayne, and the whole class was, 'Guys, there some things we will never know for certain about God's Word until we get to Kingdom, where will come to know Wayne was wrong and I was right' 🤓 Love ya, Wayne. I will miss you and your smile.
This week's Weekly Note was on Psalm 2:4-6. My thoughts are many, but I will limit them to a couple to avoid getting on one of my tangents. Psalm 2 brings to my mind how it seems more than ever in my life as a Christian; we see many who want nothing more than to silence Christians and the Good News. Many churches no longer teach the Gospel but teach as Paul wrote to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:3-4. Timothy also warns us of the culture 2 Timothy 3:1-4. It is the evil one using the lost to plot silence the teaching of God's Word, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. However, we can rejoice in the reading of the first verse in this week's study Psalm 2:4, 'He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision.' A reminder God is still on the Throne.
An e-mail from Sue, SOCPM Pen Pal to Jesse, told me she talked to Huntsville, who was very helpful, who told Sue, 'Jesse, received a USA Today on Friday. She plans to check back in a week or so to confirm he is still receiving it. I'm grateful to Sue for being a Pan PAl but doing teh follow-up on Jesse's subscription to USA Today.
There are needs in the area of prayer relating to my son Cameronand me personally. The details are on SOCPM's Ministry Prayer Requests.
Not much more in the way of being newsworthy for the SOCPM Newsletter.
Stay warm! 🥶
To Him be the glory in ALL things and to Him alone!
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
Week 47 of the lockdown 😞.
COVID-19 cases as of 02/05/21, Dixon: staff confirmed 251, staff recovered staff 247, staff current 4, staff tests 4,634; offender confirmed 578, offenders recovered 575, offender current 3, offenders test 17,195 | Sheridan: staff confirmed 118, staff recovered 118; staff current 0, staff tests 3.908; offenders confirmed 371, offenders recovered 363, offenders current 8, offender tests 11,475 | IDOC: staff confirmed 3,998, staff recovered 3,850, staff current 148, staff tests 78,109; offenders confirmed 10,403, offenders recovered 10,087, offenders current 316, offender tests 246,850.
Once again the COVID-19 numbers appear to continue improving. Please pray that the improvement continues.
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
A ministry of Redeemer Fellowship Church St. Charles, IL
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