The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. "The Lord is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him." Lamentations 3:22-24
God's love never ceased, and His mercies never ceased during 2020. The new year is just another new morning where we know He will remain faithful, and we can continue to put our hope in Him!
A most joyful and Happy New Year! Aka, a new morning!
I was greeted by an encouraging e-mail from Sheridan Chaplain Leon McClimans, on New Year's Day Eve. No, not that the lockout has been life, but that SOCPM student Randy completed the Fundamentals of Faith (FoF) workbook. Perhaps, not the most surprising news, but it encourages me much when a SOCPM student on his imitative purse discipleship on his own and does not rely on others.
To explain the FoF workbook, Mt Nebo, the ministry providing the workbook is rather lengthy. You can read more about it on SOCPM's ministry partner webpage and more about Mt Nebo. Randy first became connected to SOCPM while in Dixon as a member of my small group, through a New Life Correction's seminar 'Transforming Incarcerated Dads' in December 2012. The following February in 2013, Randy became a student of SOCPM in our then fatherhood program, Renewing Fatherhood. He was a student only for one term and paroled in September. I recall Randy showing sincerity in becoming a better father; I don't remember Randy exhibiting a strong faith. Unfortunately, he's re-offended a couple of times since his 2013 parole. His journey through IDOC sine then brought him to Sheridan. Where he once again became a SOCPM student in Malachi Dads.
From day one, I saw a Randy who was eager to learn not only fatherhood but God's Word and signed up for the FoF workbook and asked questions about God's Word. Then sadly, came the lockdown. But the news he completed the workbook and asked Chaplain McClimans to review it gives me hope he is still seeking to grow.
Chaplain McClimans said in his e-mail that while reviewing Randy's FoF workbook, and asked how he could get more. I explained to him how the SOCPM/Mt Nebo partnership works. I gave him Chuck Holmes, the founder of Mt. Nebo Prison Ministries, contact info. I told Chaplain McClimans that SOCPM has workbooks and Bibles in supply, if Mt Nebo, and he wants me to deliver them to Sheridan. If both Chaplain and Mt. Nebo agree, SOCPM is willing to be the central ministry between Sheridan and Mt Nebo.
This week's Weekly Note was a Got Questions' response to the question, 'What does it mean Jesus is Lord?' Like many who aren't prisoners, many inmates will profess Christ, but in their hearts, He is only their Savior, not Lord of their life. My prayer is that God will use this Weekly Note to open the hearts and minds of those who see Jesus as a Savior, also to see Him as Lord.
I plan to start sending a Weekly Note that is more personal with a focus on what my 2021 Bible studies are teaching me. I plan to include in my 2021 Bible studies an exhaustive study of the Psalms. I will use numerous resources, but I plan to use Charles Spurgeon's 6 volume commentary 'The Treasury of David' as my primary resource. Last year's reading of R. C. Sproul's commentary of Matthew was very edifying. So, this year I am planning to read R. C. Sproul's commentary on Acts.
I may have shared I was seeking God's will to do an exhaustive study on Psalms or Revelation, which my church will begin doing an expository teaching in 2021. I decided not to do a thorough study on Revelation but plan to do a weekly preparation and follow-up of my church's weekly Revelation teachings. My pastor shared the resource he is utilizing, and I chose Revelation: A Shorter Commentary on Revelation by G. K. Beale as my planned primary resource. It is a lesser than academic version of Beale's The Book of Revelation (The New International Greek Testament Commentary | NIGTC); just the title is a mouthful. The content would be too much for my brain 🤯 🤪. The NIGTC is the one my pastor, Joe Thorn, will be using.
You may have noticed I said 'plan' in detailing my 2021 Bible study. I've only just begun, and without doing weekly prison ministry in Dixon and Sheridan, my time allows it. If God's will is to have me return to Dixon and Sheridan, I will have to scale back my 'planned' 2021 Bible study. The study of Psalms may expand into 2022, 2023...🤓. I ask for your prayer that I will use whatever time God gives me for my Bible study to be fruitful for my edification and ultimately for His glory.
May your goals for 2021, whether it be Bible study, sharing the Gospel, health, etc. may you be blessed in your personal edification ultimately to His glory.
One goal for all of us who profess Christ is "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV)
To Him be the glory in ALL things and to Him alone!
Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries
Week 42 of the lockdown 😞.
COVID-19 cases as of 01/02/21, Dixon: staff confirmed 239, staff recovered staff 226, staff current 13, staff tests 2,080; offender confirmed 568, offenders recovered 540, offender current 28, offenders test 4,683 | Sheridan: staff confirmed 106, staff recovered 97; staff current 9, staff tests 1,135; offenders confirmed 290, offenders recovered 199, offenders current 99, offender tests 2,130 | IDOC: staff confirmed 3,459, staff recovered 3,137, staff current 322, staff tests 25,802; offenders confirmed 8,192, offenders recovered 6,026, offenders current 2,166, offender tests 50,973.
I have not been logging, graphing, and calculating percentages, but it appears the numbers are positive. A SOCPM ministry partners mentioned in their newsletter a possible January 2021 after the administering of the vaccines. Neither the Dixon nor Sheridan chaplains have mentioned it in my communications with them. Continued prayer for a safe and full recovery for all should be our first and foremost task.