SOCPM Newsletter | November 28, 2020


I hope all of you had a blessed and joyful Happy Thanksgiving.

I have not stopped, including the number of COVID-19 case in the weekly newsletter. I just didn't feel comfortable greeting you with an ongoing rise in the number of COVID-19 cases. I've moved the weekly numbers below the newsletter greeting.

There was not a whole lot going on with prison ministry. I sent the third teaching of 'Essential Tools for Effective Bible Reading' as this week's Weekly Notes.

 With the holiday season underway, it also begins a season of loneliness and regrets for those in prison. This year will be additionally hard, with COVID-19 restricting personal visits. If you can, please pray for those who are incarcerated in general, I'd be thankful.

To Him be the glory in ALL things and to Him alone!

Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries

Week 37 of the lockdown 😞.  

COVID-19 cases as of 11/28/20; Dixon: confirmed staff 183, recovered staff 151, confirmed inmates 444, recovered inmates 319 | Sheridan: confirmed staff 71, recovered staff 54; confirmed inmates 54, recovered inmates 26 | IDOC: confirmed staff 2358, recovered staff 1844; confirmed inmates 4176, recovered inmates 2976. The numbers for COVID-19 cases at Dixon continue to increase, are now increasing at Sheridan and IDOC as a whole. Continue in payer safe recovery for all.