SOCPM Newsletter | Sept. 19, 2020


Week 27 of the lockdown ๐Ÿ˜ž.  

COVID-19 cases as of 09/19/20; Dixon: confirmed staff 15, recovered staff 12, confirmed inmates 23, recovered inmates 9 | Sheridan: confirmed staff 15, recovered staff 15; confirmed inmates 22, recovered inmates 20. 

A week of cancellations I guess. Redeemer Fellowship's mid-week message by Joe Thorn did not happen. I'm not sure if it was a cancellation or not schedule to begin with, but I had to fall back on my assembling a quick 'Weekly Note' to the chaplains. The article from Got Questions was 'How should Christians stand up for their faith in such an anti-Christian world?'

My high hopes for SOCPM on ZOOM are being somewhat lowered. Only JD connected, Gavin was overloaded with seminary homework. Joe had a personal issue to deal with, so I chose to cancel, But JD and I had a conversation on some of the challenges he is dealing with the best he can. JD lives in an area of Chicago that has a lot of crime, unemployment, and other all too common heartbreaking issues of our day. Since Gavin expects to be busy with seminary work, I'm looking to move SOCPM on ZOOM from Tuesday to Wednesday. 

I had to redo SOCPM's Church Connect page. It did present well on an iPhone. UGH, but I'm pleased with it as I am with the Ministry Connection page, which I have now completed. And I added a personal bio page. I've been reluctant to for personal reasons, but after visiting the many church & ministry websites, I decided my reason not to wasn't a valid one. 

Other than personal stuff, which I don't want to bore you with, the week was mostly a quiet week.

To Him be the glory in ALL things and to Him alone!

Scott Kalas
Soldiers of Christ Prison Ministries๏ปฟ